Forum Replies Created
@caimin_nwl, on SSL it’s ok, but I need it to work on non-SSL. The admin is just fine when I restore the older version of plugin.
Can you explain the difference (js files, paths) between EM working on SSL and EM on non-SSL, hoping to discover the same resources in other plugins?
The only active plugin setting FORCE_SSL_ADMIN might be BuddyPress (Ver 1.8.1). But the conflict appears just on EM 5.5. I verified also with BuddyPress deactivated and the error persists.
Looking again on EM’s changelog, I found that everything is working just fine on https://. So, the right js library is loaded with no problem on SSL. I have no settings like FORCE_SSL_ADMIN or FORCE_SSL_LOGIN.
The errors remain on NON-SSL administration
Hi, thank you for your feedback. I reinstalled the version 5.5 in order to check other posibilities. I discovered other anomalies:
– cannot change the slug of permalink
– pop-up is opened in the same main window when I try to set recommended image (by click the standard link)
– expanding/collapsing DIVs not working (including SEO form which is not opened)So, I think there is a problem with jquery libraries or other js incuded in new EM 5.5.
John@angelo_nwl, unfortunately, the SEO fields are not shown on events pages in admin. The situation is related to EM 5.5 update. My current solution is to downgrade the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Related Posts] Pluggin settings for turn off thumbs, date etc@silvoslaf, I don’t have any option for Themes. Just a check button and an asterix. No desktop, no mobile subsections
I’m using LwA version restored from a backup. Using SSL for auth, my solution is the plugin wordpress-https – every page with LwA widget is forced to run on SSL.
Updating the plugin to 3.1 causes following errors:
– after refreshing, the page displays the same content (for guests). one F5 press manually resolve the issue;then after re-update the plugin
– after submit, an error notice appeared: {“result”:true,”message”:”Autentificarea s-a efectuat, redirec\u021bion\u0103m…”,”redirect”:”https:\/\/”,”action”:”login”}Thank you Marcus,
it’s working with ‘init’.Hi Marcus,
removing the snippet works for me,
the second solution via function removing is not working.Agelonwl, the gallery plugin display the WP gallery with thumbnails and expand each image on click. When I installed EM5.3.7, the style of gallery was affected and the click on image didn’t work.
The problem persists with any jquery gallery plugin, including
- Fancy Gallery Lite
- FancyBox
- Easy FancyBox
- Shutter Reloaded
It seems to be a js conflict… but I don’t know where to search. In 5.3.7 changelog, there are few references like:
– fixed clashes with JetPack Tiled Galleries
– fixed timthumb thumbnails issues with MultiSite and virtual links (if virtual link is “post_permalink/photo_permalink” this might be related also to WP galleries)I was forced to downgrade to
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Login With Ajax - Fast Logins, 2FA, Redirects] Forced SSL Logins Broken.I’m meanin I resolved the login with ajax on http, maintaining force ssl for login.
$creds[‘user_login’] = $_REQUEST[‘log’];
$creds[‘user_password’] = $_REQUEST[‘pwd’];
$creds[‘remember’] = $_REQUEST[‘rememberme’];
$loginResult = wp_signon( $creds, true );Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Login With Ajax - Fast Logins, 2FA, Redirects] Forced SSL Logins Broken.workaround to escape this:
in the login-with-ajax.php change the
line $loginResult = wp_signon();
with$creds[‘user_login’] = $_REQUEST[‘log’];
$creds[‘user_password’] = $_REQUEST[‘pwd’];
$creds[‘remember’] = $_REQUEST[‘rememberme’];
$loginResult = wp_signon( $creds, true );Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Login With Ajax - Fast Logins, 2FA, Redirects] Forced SSL Logins Broken.the problem persists. the login module returns an invalid response when the visitor try to connect via Login with Ajax on an http page (via shortcode). Any feedback from the dev?
Hi @arne,
How do you redirect to Http after a SSL login?In my case, after a SSL login, the user remains on https. So, my pages are available both on http and https. When I create redirections with WordPress HTTPS plugin or Yoast function (described here I’m getting “Too many redirects” errors in Buddypress profile links.