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  • Thread Starter jageo


    Ugh.. it is one of my own plug ins. how embarassing is that. I’ll leave this ticket here, and when i figure out what’s going on, I’ll add any relevant code that might be helpful for others.
    —not helpful, just careless—
    I had written a custom query to re-sort the posts on the category page according to a meta_key value. But there was no data assigned to that key.
    Oh well, it helped to type out the info above, if only to walk my brain through the steps to test all the things. My apologies if i’ve wasted anyone’s time to get this far into the ticket

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by jageo.

    @etiennesamson Thanks. That worked for me. I changed the align default to ‘right’ for my needs and it’s working.

    I was curious about what attributes were there to be poked at and found this page here, seemed pretty handy so i thought i would share.

    J A

    I’ve been looking for this answer for a while too – tho’ i’m trying to make images align right. I have found that @mastababa ‘s code works for the default_link_type and default_size but i’m not seeing the image align work. (admittedly, they get the code from a post dated 2014, so not a complete surprise that all components remained unchanged)

    I found a more current post here (2021), providing a little bit easier way to access the defaults:
    (and cursed myself for not remembering the options page. Doh!)

    When i visit the options page, i can see that I have successfully changed the default setting for image_default_align to “right”, Yet when i make a post, that right alignment isn’t being applied as the default setting. The link type and the size are the two that I MOST wanted fixed, so i’m happy for now, but i will continue to hunt down the alignment answer.

    Thread Starter jageo


    thank you @bcworkz , the custom page template sounds useful.
    I also came up with building content tabs on the category page. There isn’t a style built into my theme, so i have to work to make it look like it belongs there, but its nice for the user not to have to refresh the whole page. I suppose the down-side to this one is the page has more code to load and process.
    thanks again

    Thread Starter jageo


    Thinking this through… either i send them to a different template (like send them to the archive.php?) or I stay with the same category.php template, but put a variable in the URL for a GET statement to pick up, and a simple If/Else decides what happens on the category.php page? Is that a real thing?

    Greetings George, I am having this same issue, and i see when following your links above that you do have captions displaying. Can you explain or link to where you found the solution?
    Many thanks
    J A

    Thread Starter jageo


    @gaszer I did not need Really Simple SSL in the end.
    1) i *copied* all the files first rather than move.
    2) I added this redirect to the .htaccess file in the /public folder

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

    3) I did have to hunt down maybe three or four places where i had hard-coded some https:// . i did this by visiting pages that i knew used different templates and viewed the source code.

    I’m still having trouble with Telus re:their phpMyAdmin interface. (if you can believe it, their software drops me into a database from *two years ago*, while the site is obviously using a different, current, database.) But I needed a breather, so i stopped arguing with them. I will return to this later.

    Thread Starter jageo


    that #End WordPress# is there… i missed copy/paste that line into my code sample above. Mea culpa ??

    ..and you’re right about the not auto redirecting – am running around testing different machines in the house. I will mess with the htaccess file that lives in the public folder next.

    Thread Starter jageo


    I have already had conversations with their support team, they can not answer any questions re: moving a wordpress site. Tho’ i did not ask specifically about rewrites.. at least not without the word WordPress in the sentence (which may have been the dog whistle, so to speak, that made them deny any knowledge)

    But if you’re curious, and care to follow along…
    I have *copied* all the files that live in “public” to “secure”. I have NOT yet changed any of the htaccess files.
    – When i visit the site: i am redirected to https://
    – If i visited an individual post page i got a white screen and a ‘not found’ error message.
    – But i was able to login and go the admin page, where i changed the site URL to https://, that appears to have cleared that up

    So my two concerns at present:
    1) i haven’t changed the htaccess file. it is still the basic:

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    2) the browser still says the site is not “fully secure” which makes me think there must be some hard-coded URLs to images (most likely?) on the pages, which i should be able to suss out by viewing the source code.

    i’ll continue to update this ticket if i discover or learn anything else.

    Thread Starter jageo


    The host is Telus, a phone/internet/TV company here in Canada. The customer of mine is a business and is getting this shared hosting for *free*, which makes it difficult to sell them on the idea that i can find them something better.
    And yes, i think moving all the files is unusual. I have worked with maybe ten different hosting companies, and no one has asked for this step. Its exasperating.

    1) So with the redirect in the htaccess file – that would live in the “public” folder
    2) But i still need an htaccess in the “secure” folder
    3) and i would still need to change the siteURL and find/change in the database to update any hard-coded references to the http: URL that may exist?

    does this sound like a reasonable plan/expectation?

    Thread Starter jageo


    I believe i have found the answer. I had created a custom taxonomy for one of my custom post types that was named “year”. Which I’ve discovered (and understandably so) is a no-no.
    I’ve removed that taxonomy, reset my permalinks again, and things appear to be working as they ought. Pages now display using the Page.php template in my theme.
    The most puzzling thing was that it appeared to only affect Pages, not posts or custom posts. I presume i was turning off my plugins and thereby turning off that custom taxonomy, i wasn’t properly resetting my permalinks.

    After 3.9 update plugin still appears to be working, but am getting Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in …./image-metadata-cruncher.php on line 333 and Warning:array_change_key_case() on line 332

    Rook, did you get anywhere with this? Am now googling to find solution as well. Would like to know if you solved or went with a different plugin


    looking for this info too. Thanks

    Thread Starter jageo


    I used something different for the earlier problem, but have found myself in need of this again.
    Your code has tiny error, variable $query is set in one place but referred to as $the_query in the while statement. Apart from that it works fine, and shows me a dropdown box populated with the titles from my custom post type.
    Thanks ??

    The codex example stops short of saving the results:
    // Do something with $mydata…(see Further Reading section below)

    So I still have reading and figuring. But eventually I’ll get to the end of it ??

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