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  • Thread Starter dtjin


    I thought the header height was controlled by the header image height… I didn’t think the header font was controlling it…


    Thread Starter dtjin


    Hey Morten and everyone,

    I was looking at your site and I noticed that when I zoomed in and out, the images also got bigger and smaller.. but the images on my site doesn’t…. this is what is pushing my widget sides to the bottom, see example:

    How come?

    Thread Starter dtjin


    I switched this topic back to unresolved because it’s not done yet… lol.. Morten was going to tell us something about linking our images to the pages after the meet-up.. maybe he will see this and reply…

    Is switch and case actually codes or are you just trying to tell me what you are trying to do..?

    Thread Starter dtjin


    It just occurred to me that I can actually just log into my wp site and grab the code there lol…

    Here.. I got my other teacher to help me.. but it’s not working 100 percent…

    function AC_custom_header_setup() {
    	add_theme_support( 'custom-header', apply_filters( 'AC_custom_header_args', array(
    		'default-image'          => custom_dewi_header(),
    		'default-text-color'     => 'ffffff',
    		'width'                  => 1280,
                    'flex-width'             => true,
    		'height'                 => 300,
    		'flex-height'            => true,
    		'wp-head-callback'       => 'AC_header_style',
    		'admin-head-callback'    => 'AC_admin_header_style',
    		'admin-preview-callback' => 'AC_admin_header_image',
    	) ) );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'AC_custom_header_setup' );
    function custom_dewi_header() {
    //if this is a home page use header image
       if ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === "/" ) {
         return get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/header.jpg';
        //if this is the cooking-lessons-learnt-making-mistakes page do this
      } else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === "/cooking-lessons-learnt-making-mistakes-101/") {
     	return get_bloginfo('url')."/wp-content/themes/ArtisticCollaboration/images/headers/mini_burgers.jpg";
      } else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === "/food-slash-cooking-philosophies/") {
         return get_bloginfo('url')."/wp-content/themes/ArtisticCollaboration/images/headers/bacon_wrapped_chicken.jpg";
      } else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === "/explanations/") {
          return get_bloginfo('url')."/wp-content/themes/ArtisticCollaboration/images/headers/eggs_and_dill.jpg";
      } else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === "/about/page-with-comments-disabled/") {
          return get_bloginfo('url')."/wp-content/themes/ArtisticCollaboration/images/header.jpg";
      } else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === "/you/") {
          return get_bloginfo('url')."/wp-content/themes/ArtisticCollaboration/images/header.jpg";

    I have this on the top of my custom-header.php but it’s not working properly because if I click on the customizer tool on my site the code stops working.. I haven’t add time to fix it..

    Thread Starter dtjin


    At work. Will get back to you… it’s a little broken though… because if I go to my customize tool the code stop workings…

    I thought you could go to my site to look at my customizer.php file for the code but our friend Alferdo said you can’t look at php files online..

    Thread Starter dtjin


    I took a walk and figured it out.

    I didn’t think you could target the input because it didn’t have a direct class or id but then I read the lines above it and I did this:

    #subscribe-submit input:active {
        background: #FF69B4;
        width: 100%;
    #subscribe-submit input:hover {
        background: hsl(0, 0%, 0%);
        width: 100%;
    #subscribe-submit input[type="submit"] {
        background: #FF69B4;
        width: 100%;


    Thread Starter dtjin


    I’ll try it. Thanks. I’m about to post another question : )

    Thread Starter dtjin


    So, will it work when I post stuff using my custom posttype or just the built-in post?

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: [Simone] IE 8
    Thread Starter dtjin



    I did absolutely nothing to the site from the time I asked you this question to now and everything looks normal now…

    Sorry and thanks,

    Thread Starter dtjin


    Done. Yahoo! Thanks

    Thread Starter dtjin


    An old web prof told me that: the reasons are semi-complex, but the @package stuff at the top of every theme file doesn’t matter until you get into automated documentation of software. For most people, this never happens.

    In other words, if you change the name in the comments section in the top of style.css, you’re good to go.

    But it doesn’t tell me if there is a global setting that I can adjust to change all name and slug though.

    Thread Starter dtjin


    I’ve changed code in my php files though. When you download underscore you get a whole new set of theme files with the starter php files.

    Thread Starter dtjin


    Issued closed. Your code work. Thanks! Just learnt a lot!

    Thread Starter dtjin



    I started with underscore with a theme name, and have started working on my theme so my php files have changed. But now I want to change my theme name so I don’t think I can download a new underscore theme and just attached it to the original??

    Thread Starter dtjin



    If anyone is interested I got it to work like this:

    <footer id=”colophon” class=”site-footer” role=”contentinfo”>

    <div class=”site-info”>

    if ( get_theme_mod( ‘copyright_textbox’ ) ) :
    echo get_theme_mod( ‘copyright_textbox’ );
    else :
    echo ‘Proudly powered by ‘;
    echo ‘WordPress ‘;
    echo ‘Theme: THE THEME NAME by ‘;
    echo ‘ ‘;

    </footer><!– #colophon –>

    The only thing is, I’m working on my theme locally right now and when I try clicking on the link it doesn’t automatically take me to the site… is this because I’m working on the site locally??


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