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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Attaching image to post crops itWhen you attatch images in wordpress the thumbnail is generated by the code and haves a size 150*150px… WordPress automatically crops the image if is needed to fit in a square….
Algo generates a medium size image (and a big image if you image is too big) but keeping the proportions
By the way some themes set a “max-width” and a “max-height” to avoid users insert a image too big in a post, images than could create a big messy in the layout.
Also, some themes (lot of them, actually) sets rules to partially hide content in case of it “overflows” the viewport (to avoid messy the layout, again)
It’s possible you′re using too big images? If you can post some links to your site to see the problem will be easier try help you.
Thanks ??
just create a file in you template directory called
it will be used to display search results automatically (as page.php is used to display static pages or single.php is used to display single posts)
It’s a regular page, you can use all includes and css calls and stuff, like in any other… It’s basic anathomy is…
<?php if (have_posts()) : ?> <h2>Search results to "<?php echo wp_specialchars($s); ?>" </h2> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>" > <?php the_title(); ?> </a> <?php endwhile; ?> <?php else : ?> <h2>No results</h2> <p>"<?php echo wp_specialchars($s); ?>" returns no results</p> <?php endif; ?>
This is the basic, you should include your header, footer, sidebar, divs, grid tempale or whatever you need, it totally works as a regular page o loop.
I hope it be usefull to you ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Can Display specific cat in page content?You can dreate a statit page in your site and set up it as “front page” in reading settings (you’ll need create anothet static page to regular post loop, call it blog or something)
Then, create a custom query in your template and asign this page_template to your static homepage
here you can read some info about…
Take a look on it… it can quite complicated in the first try… But it’s only fiddle with it
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to change home page URL only?I think there’s a solution for your problem… Tell if it’s ok yo you…
First you should create (if you don’t did it) two static pages, “home” and “landind”
Then, go to Reading settings and select: Front page displays – A static Page and then select in dropdown…
Front page “landing”
Posts page “home”Now, your front_page will be “landing” (it’s what will be shown in and you post loop (you lastes posts) will be shown in
I guess it’s what do you want to do ?It’s right?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Simple Catch Theme – Add custom links to footerYou welcome… First steps on HTML is really hard ??
Only a little consideration… You should keep a local copy of your footer file now, cause when you upgrade your theme (if tan upgrade of theme is released and you download it) it will overwrite all theme’s files, including the ones you edited.
So make a local copy. just in case
The replace is perfect, just for keep it tiddy, you don’t need use (” “) on screen link (but i see you deleted it yet in your web) and don’t need space between “” and content on it or use two ( ” ) in a row anywhere.
Just like this…
<a href="" target="_blank" title="privacy policy">Privacy policy</a>
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Simple Catch Theme – Add custom links to footerAlso you say you want revert the link to “default” i guess you meant blue colors and underline decoration…. I don’t know if is someway to set colors to defaults agains (maybe yes, but i don’t kwnow how) but you can use a CSS definition to set that links (bla bla bla bla boring technical stuff xD)… like This
In the editor, open the style.css file and paste it (no matter where, but it’s better do it near to footer definitions… The best is paste it in the bottom. But some themes uses a very complex CSS file structure and can be hard mess with it.)
.powered-by a, .powered-by a:hover { color:#0000FF; text-decoration:underline; } .powered-by a:visited { color:#800080; text-decoration:underline; } .powered-by a:active { color:#FF0000; text-decoration:underline; }
But i think it’s not a good idea do it, cause that color maybe will look terribly ugly! And not propperly integrated in the design.
Said all this, an appreciation, it’s not too Fair “delete” the template author attribution… they made a hard work you can enjoy for free… And they only want have a link to people can know who did the template…. But, that’s the way to do it.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Simple Catch Theme – Add custom links to footerIf you′re the admin you can edit code files of a template… Here yo must edit a file called
It’s easy… Just login as Admin, then, go to [ themes / editor ]
You’ll see a lot of code and a rigth column with filenames, ignore the code (it’s your main CSS theme) and go straight to the right coplumn to find the “footer.php”
Before editing anything select all and made a Copy / Paste in a notepad or similar (Word an other rich format editors are not valid for this, so use notepad ) and save it as footer-copy.php to keep a backup, it can be messy and you′ll want hace a copy ?no?
Just read it carefully somewhere you’ll find something similar to this
<div class="col5 powered-by"> Powered By: <a href="" target="_blank" title="Powered By WordPress">WordPress</a> | Theme: <a href="" target="_blank" title="Simple Catch">Simple Catch</a> </div>
It’s the code corresponding to the links in your footer. Here, you can try… Make some edit, update and refresh your site… I’ll try to explain
<div> is the container, it’s like a box and you should’nt touch it… Cause yo want edit the stuffr inside it, so between div and /div
You can begin by clean the content of DIV, like this
<div class="col5 powered-by"> </div>
If you refresh now, you’ll see the links are’nt there, so you can add yours
<div class="col5 powered-by"> <a href=" 1 " target="_blank" title=" 2 "> 3 </a> </div>
“1” is the full link to the page you want make the link, including the http (not necessary, but recomendable add the https://)
target=”_blank” forces the browser to open the link in a new window (or tab) if you want it’s open in the same window, don’t use it.
” 2 ” is the title of your link, some comment about the link destination
” 3 ” is the text shown in screen and used as link.
For example…
<div class="col5 powered-by"> <a href=" " target="_blank" title="Google finder ">Go to google</a> </div>
Please, notice the use of doblu quotations, are needed.
If you copy and paste this example in your footer.php file you’ll can see how the google links appears in your footer, the edit i with the link and content you wish.
It’s all! Maybe looks like something complicadet, edit code maybe can be “scary” but not a big deal actually.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I remove the grey border around this hover imageThat’s a great solution… I didn’t knew that plug!
By the way, i made a mistake… Obviously… I forget edit the code to replace jajajajaja the correct code is Adrew said
.entry img, img.single-post-thm { border: 0; }
My fault xD
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Duplicate title tagsi think it’s ok ?Whats the error? i see the title correct, just one :S
I’m not sure if i understood the problem…
Look, a screenshot in my computer
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Custom Community] Site Title is blankyou can acces to admin user?
Cause is easy fix if you can… You must go to themes/editor and choose “header.php” to edit it.
only must find title tags and add the title inside… change tihs
into this
<title> <?php echo the_title(); ?> </title>
Maybe you′ll find something between <title> and </title> but, save a backup copy and edit it… it’s obviously not working.
I guess they use some “title builder”, it’s a common practice… Than display the title and some additional info (like blog name and stuff like that) and maybe has some bug.
I made a simple title builder, it’s not perfect, but is mine ^^ hahahaha is this…
<title> <?php if (is_archive()) { wp_title(''); echo ' Archives '; } elseif (is_search()) { echo 'search results for "'.wp_specialchars($s).'"'; } elseif ( is_front_page() ) { bloginfo('name'); echo (' - '); bloginfo('description'); } elseif ( !(is_404()) && (is_single()) || (is_page())) { the_title(); echo (' - '); bloginfo('name'); } elseif (is_404()) { echo 'Error 404'; } if (is_home()) { bloginfo('name'); echo (' - Blog'); } if ($paged>1) { echo ' - pàgina '. $paged; } ?> </title>
Feel free for copy and paste on your header file if you want, it should work propperly
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Custom Community] Site Title is blankmaybe some more info needed to can help you… Link, theme, heade file or something…
I’m not sure, but the problem must be in the header.php file, maybe calls the title using some old stuff or somenthing not suported longer in new wordpress version (but sounds pretty weird to me, that)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Duplicate title tagsi can’t see waths wrong there :S can you post a link to the site, so i can see the problem…
It’s this marked a solved ?is solved?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I remove the grey border around this hover imageif you can access to style.css file of your theme (by ftp or using themes/editor in admin menu), in the line 1057 you’ll find this
.entry img, img.single-post-thm { padding: 3px; border: 2px solid #eee; }
Just edit and replace with:
.entry img, img.single-post-thm { padding: 3px; border: 2px solid #eee; }
It should remove that ugly grey border
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How To Add Multiple CSS files in your wordpress theme?you need have a main CSS file in the main wordpress theme directory and it named as
and call it as
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" type="text/css" />
it’s a condition needed to wordpress allows you to use as theme.
but, once done it you can call som many CSS files as you need by…
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/address-to-css-file.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
Please, notice than function
<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>
prits you wordpress template directory withou the ending slash, so you need add it
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to change home page URL only?if you define in (settings/reading) a static page as “home” instead of loop posts and the title of the page is home… Actually your address will be
But the address will be “rewrited” when a user enters by “”
I’m not sure if this solution (change the configuration of reading is what you’re looking for)
By the way you don’t explain if your homepage is a static content page or a post loop.
If you can explain your problem with more detail i’ll try help you.