Just as an added remark, my website, as seen by my users is yoga-space.org.
I just tried whynopadlock using yoga-space.org and got the same results.
So, then I used Internet Explorer, went to whynopadlock.com and got totally different results:
Test Information
Tested URL
Test completed
Fri, Jun 5, 2020 5:54 AM Eastern Time (GMT -5)
Results URL
https://www.whynopadlock.com/results/743cdfce?18a2?4abd?946e?085dca695049 ?
SSL Connection – Pass
SSL Certificate Info
Certificate IssuerSectigo Limited Certificate TypeSectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Issued On2019-03-26
Your webserver is not forcing the use of SSL.
You may want to add a redirect to ensure a secure connection is used. More Info
Valid Certificate
Your SSL Certificate is installed correctly.
Domain Matching
Your SSL certificate matches your domain name!
Protected Domains:
Your SSL certificate is using a sha256 signature!
Expiration Date
Your SSL certificate is current. Your SSL certificate expires in 387 days. (2021-06-27)
You currently have TLSv1 enabled.
This version of TLS is being phased out. This warning won’t break your padlock, however if you run an eCommerce site, PCI requirements state that TLSv1 must be disabled by June 30, 2018.
Mixed Content – Errors
Soft Failure
An image with an insecure url of “https://yogaconn.ehost.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Logo.jpg” was loaded on line: 135 of https://yogaconn.ehost.com/wordpress/.
This URL will need to be updated to use a secure URL for your padlock to return.