• After removing the plugin it leaves a number of tables in the database. I had to drop these in phpmyadmin, but still there more than a hundred occurences of “ai1ec” in the database. This is very annoying as there is apparently no way to get rid of the plugin without paying the plugin creator a fee.

    And, removing the “Event contributor” user that the plugin created seems impossible. The remove_role function does nothing to get rid of it. Instead I found the shocking notion from the developers at timely:

    Bailly Aug 16, 2012 10:41AM PDT Timely Agent

    Hi Brad,

    To customize your calendar and remove the ‘Event Contributor’ option from the drop down menu you must alter the code from the ‘back end’ files and the database.

    If you are interested in excluding this role, our associated web development company can help you out with this for a fee. If this is something that you are interested in, I can forward your email so they can give you a quote. Please let me know.

    Here is some of the junk left in database:

    "ai1ec_event_assistant\";a:2:{s:4:\"name\";s:17:\"Event Contributor\";s:12:\"capabilities\";a:4:{s:4:\"read\";b:1;s:7:\"level_0\";b:1;s:17:\"edit_ai1ec_events\";b:1;s:18:\"delete_ai1ec_event\";b:1;}}}','yes')


    Is it some kind of malware?


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  • Thread Starter Mr Press


    The junk is located in the WordPress options table in the mysql database. The All in one Event Calendar Plugin has left many links to unknown websites, e g

    Eventful, Eventbrite, Linkedin… the list goes on. These are all great systems, systems that we use routinely but the trouble is they’re big proprietary systems from big exclusive companies that also compete with each other and so the end result is a wildly fractured event index for any one place or time.



    Hi Mr Press,

    This message from Bailly seems to be related to custom work for removing an option from the ‘event contributor’ menu. If you would like to work with us to understand why this is happening then we are happy to do this.

    Could you please tell us how you uninstalled the plugin?


    There was a bunch of stuff left over after uninstalling this non-buddypress compatible plugin.

    very bad plugin etiquette. if i want to uninstall, get rid of everything. now i have traces of ai1ec_event_assistant all over the place

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