• Hi!
    This is my first post.
    Usually I am able to find answers via-google, I dont like to be a bother…but I am at a complete loss with this website I’m putting together.
    It’s a website for my church, so please consider the links safe.

    I have a problem that just began recently on the page I am developing.
    Normally, I could create Pages, Subpages and sub-subpages.
    The problem is that recently, the links to the sub-subpages have not been working. They seem to redirect to the parent subpage but the url implies that I am on the sub-subpage.
    -Parent subpage:https://www.ardesa.org/losangeles/fotos/

    The subpage is “Fotos y Video” found at the first link and the sub-subpage is the “2009” page, second link.
    The problem was also reproduced in the Parent Page “Montclair” with the same subpage, sub-subpage names and slugs.

    I’ve cleaned out the trash can in the pages page in the console and have tried deactivating all my plugins but nothing has worked.

    Oddly enough, I made a functioning sub-subpage at the links below.

    Functioning example:
    -parent subpage: https://www.ardesa.org/guatemala/iglesia1/
    -sub-subpage: https://www.ardesa.org/guatemala/iglesia1/pagina1/

    Maybe WP has a problem with numbers for slugs?
    My permalinks are setup to be under the “month and name” config in the permalinks menu and WP has the right to write the .htaccess file.
    But that wouldn’t explain why the links worked before worked before.

    Most curious is the fact that a sub-subpage with a slug lacking numbers seems to work:

    Can anyone offer me some insight? Maybe it’s a cache problem? (I’ve tried on diff computers and diff networks to no avail) or something I’m sure I don’t know.
    I consider myself to be tech savvy, but I have my limits..I’d appreciate all the help I can get.

    Thank you so much in advance!

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  • Buenos Días,
    I also overthink. ?? Es un poco difícil to say without digging into your site, but I think you’re correct when you surmised that WP has trouble with slugs/permalinks that use numbers.

    WP generates its own numbers for permalinks, and it might fight you a bit. Maybe you could use some variation of El A?o Pasado or something like that instead of 2009. Also, if you only change the slug, you may still be able to keep “2009” as the menu title.

    I hope that helps,
    Saludos, Dave

    Thread Starter overthinkingme


    I believe everyone does quite a bit of over thinking haha.
    I’ve done way too much on this.

    I also believe that the problem is in using numbers for the slug.
    If I switch the permalinks to default: https://.. ../?p=1
    Then the page is accessible..

    I would give up and accept slugs without numbers..but I know for a fact that WordPress works w/numbers for slugs. I had them working originally, but I can’t think of anything I’ve changed to cause WP to malfunction.

    The site is in it’s infancy and I’d like to fix this now rather than later and deal with the repercussions.

    Anyone encounter a similar problem?
    Or any suggestions to find the problem?

    I greatly appreciate it.

    I am having the same problem, but I don’t use numbers… I tried to create a subpage today and WP won’t create it under the parent page. My website is https://online-behavior.com

    In my case I tried to create online-behavior.com/insights/welcome under https://online-behavior.com/insights (which is an existing page). But WP keeps changing the permalink to online-behavior.com/insights-welcome

    Would appreciate your help very much!
    Thank you.

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