SP uses the links provided by the RSS/Atom/RDF feed publisher. These links typically point to the full article on the publishers website.
The feed publisher has every right to not have their full article displayed on someone else’s site. This is why most feed publishers only place an abstract or a small portion of their full article in a news feed and then provide a link back to the publishers site to view the full article. Most publishers want viewers on their site so that they can earn advertising revenue.
SP does not go out and download or store the full article for display on your site. SP provides feed syndication and aggregation functionality and does not attempt to re-purpose someone else’s copyrighted content onto your site. SP only displays what the publisher provides as their news feed.
It is up to the user to make sure they are adhering to a publishers licensing rules for their articles and feed content. Different publishers have different feed and content licensing rules. One should consult those rules prior to syndicating a feed.