• Recently an SSL certificate was installed to my WordPress (on Azure) installation, and URLs had to be changed. That was expected.

    However, media that was uploaded prior to the SSL installation now has the format of “https://https//DOMAIN/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/FILE”

    Unsure where the https// (no colon) has come from. Have used the SSL Insecure Content Fixer plugin, but that did not solve this issue, nor did the issue disappear when the site went into Troubleshooting mode. Any assistance as resolving the issue would be appreciated.

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  • threadi


    Check in the backend under Settings > General to see if one of the URLs may have been entered incorrectly.

    Also check the wp-config.php to see if the domain is entered incorrectly there. It does not matter if it is not there, then the settings in the settings will take effect.

    If this is not the case, what was done to change the domain during the migration? Did you also replace the domain using Search&Replace?

    Thread Starter smjx


    The URLs are entered correctly in the backend. I will check the wp-config.

    Not sure what you mean by change the domain during the migration. When I mentioned the URLs had to be changed, it would be better worded as “I expected the URLs to change” from https:// to https://.

    Here’s what I see when I open the Inspect view and view errors in the area where the image is supposed to render. You can see the URL issue there. https://ibb.co/qxxVgQP

    Not sure if this additional info changes anything. Where would I replace the domain using Search&Replace? I looked for http// (no colon) as a string but nothing popped up.



    By migration I meant exactly this domain adjustment from without SSL to with SSL. You must have written this protocol incorrectly at some point.

    What did the check of wp-config.php show?

    If you use a page builder like Elementor, there is also the possibility to replace the domain URL. Do you have something like this in use and have you also made the adjustment there?

    Thread Starter smjx


    Yes, Elementor is on the site, and I replaced the domain URL. However, now the file URLs are “https://https//DOMAIN/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/FILE” — the HTTPS update was found, but the duplicate remains.

    The config looked unremarkable to me but I will check with my colleague who did the implementation. Thanks for the help. If there are any other possibilities to check, would appreciated tips!

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by smjx.
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