@rastiwebkinder ok thanks – we have a couple more questions.
1. Were you upgrading the plugin due to your data not syncing? Was it set up previously? I’m wondering now if we need to clear out your database table by deleting the plugin ( not just deactivating )… If you have access to your database table can you check to see if there are any records in the queue
table? If so – we will need to flush that table. I could see how that might be playing a role in the server timeout during setup if there were jobs in there.
2. Some hosts will disable POST requests to the admin ajax file. We need to see if that’s an issue.
3. Another thing we’ve seen before is misconfigured servers that are on shared IP addresses. Or ‘still use’ the shared IP address with PHP CURL instead of a dedicated IP. Do you have a dedicated IP address currently, or are you on shared hosting?
4. You MIGHT be getting blocked by the Akamai API gateway – if you have command line access to your server, you could make a quick attempt to see if your server itself is being blocked by calling the API directly. Please make use of this CURL command below.
curl -v -X GET https://{$DATA_CENTER}.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/ecommerce/stores?apikey={$API_KEY}
replace {$DATA_CENTER}
with your actual data center at Mailchimp.
( you can see it in your API key ).
replace {$API_KEY}
with your actual api key from Mailchimp.
Let’s start with these.