Hi hupe13,
I just can’t find a solution. On my mobile the maps look ok (not too blurry), but on my desktop-browsers the blur is terrible. I found out that the maps are zoomed up there. I played around with the settings (sizes, retina, min-zoom, max-zoom etc.) but nothing worked. When I use chrome developer tool to show the original-leaflet-image-tile in a new tab, the resolution is ok.
By the way, maybe it’s better to use leaflet outside of the plugin to have more options? There are a few code-examples in the internet, but I didn’t find a way to use the geocoder Nominatim or to set german language.
I’ve seen also, that mapbox v1 is still free and available, but even there I could not find a way to use the geocoder and the german language.
Do you have any advice for me that could help me? Thank you very much in advance!