• Anonymous User 15089738


    I had the 1.xx version of the plugin installed. When I upgraded to 3.0.0 it broke my website, so I disabled it. The problem was not fixed in 3.0.1, so I removed the plugin completely while waiting on an update.

    I just installed 3.0.2, there are no server errors, but now I can’t configure the settings. On the settings page I see a drop down under “Active Zone.” When clicking the drop-down, there is nothing to choose from.

    At the bottom of the page it says: “Please select a domain that is provisioned with CloudFlare.” But there is no option to add my domain or API.

    I also see 3 navigation areas: “Home” “More Settings” and “Analytics.” All 3 of those pages display the exact same thing.

    Could this be caused from removing the plugin after it was working in 1.xx?


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  • Same problem

    I have this problem also.

    Updated from 1.3.25 to 3.0.0. The “active Zone” drop-down just shows “select…” but doesn’t work. “Home”, “More settings” and “Analytics” links don’t work.

    Disabling the plugin causes a white screen but doesn’t disable it.

    Have tried disabling other plugins and changing themes just in case, but still not working.

    Versions 3.0.1 and 3.0.2 have the same problem.

    Have now rolled back to 1.3.24 in the hope of a solution…


    I’ll need more information to understand the problem.

    Could you share your error logs?
    Are you using a subdomain?
    Are you using WordPress Multisite?

    No subdomain. No multi site.

    It is being blocked in mod Security:
    GET /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=cloudflare_proxy&proxyURL=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.cloudflare.com%2Fclient%2Fv4%2Fzones

    Hi @ybzybz,

    We don’t support multi site but if the root domain of your sub domain is on CloudFlare then that should work. What are you seeing as the value for active zone?


    Hi @kilmanaghm,

    We’re aware of the mod security issue and will be rolling out a fix soon.


    Hi @jwineman,
    My root domain is on cloudflare, no sub domains and no multisite. For the active zone – it simply not responding. Can’t open the combo box to even see what’s inside. The other buttons not responding as well…
    Didn’t check mod security though.


    Are there any errors in the browser console?
    Are there any errors in the PHP error log?



    Errors in browser console:
    Mixed Content: The page at 'https://beacontech.eu/wp/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=cloudflare#/home?_k=jbvz0y' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint 'https://beacontech.eu/'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.


    http.js:96Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'status' of undefined(anonymous function) @ http.js:96Request.callback @ client.js:804Request.crossDomainError @ client.js:821xhr.onreadystatechange @ client.js:884

    I don’t know if this is of any help?
    I found this in the Firefox error console –

    TypeError: response is undefined
    v4ResponseOk()    compiled.js:73357
    [543]</asyncFetchZones/</<()    compiled.js:66555
    [150]</request/<()    compiled.js:509
    [157]</Request.prototype.callback()    compiled.js:576
    [157]</Request/<()    compiled.js:569
    [161]</Emitter.prototype.emit()    compiled.js:602
    [157]</Request.prototype.end/xhr.onreadystatechange()    compiled.js:578

    Hi @ybzybz,

    Your error is because you’re trying to load the blog over https but the page includes elements which are loaded over http. You need to modify your code (themes etc) to load everything over // instead of https:// or https://. // will try to load the resource over the same protocol the browser loads the page with.


    Same problem here, the “Active Zone” dropdown does not work. No errors in HTTP and JS Console. No multisite.


    I understand. Still it does not seem to make this problem disappear… It seems like a very simple UI problem.

    I can confirm I got 124 websites all with 3.0.2 showing a blank settings page.
    iis 7,5 everything updated, php 7 mysql 5.6.33, 64 bit app pool.

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