Hi @osherezra3363,
Troubleshooting something like this can be technical in nature and we suggest asking your host or a 3rd party developer for help if you’re not comfortable running the following commands:
First – we need to see if your server can communicate using CURL directly with the Mailchimp API using the command below:
curl -v -X GET https://{$DATA_CENTER}.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/ecommerce/stores?apikey={$API_KEY} Wrap
Please replace the $DATA_CENTER and the $API_KEY with your credentials. You can locate the $DATA_CENTER number in the URL, for example us19.
If you receive a valid response from the Mailchimp API, that helps us solve the first step of determining whether or not your server itself has been IP Blacklisted by the API gateway.
Once we’ve verified that you are able to make calls directly using CURL (not in PHP) – there might be an SSL handshake issue / OpenSSL / libCURL issue that might need to be addressed by your server admins . Judging by your error above, I have a feeling that this is what needs to be updated.
Please start by running that command – and report back. I look forward to hearing back from you.