How please translate “Return Requested” Button in Woocommerce Back Office
Thanks and best regards
]]>I created a form which will be entered by user
<form id=”wc-form-return” action=”” method=”post”>
<label><?php _e(‘Select products for return’,’wc_return’) ?></label>
<select id=”wc_products[]” name=”wc_products” class=”wc_products” multiple=”multiple”>
if ( sizeof( $products ) > 0 ) {
foreach( $products as $item ) { ?>
<option value=”<?php echo $item[‘item_meta’][‘_product_id’][0]; ?>”><?php echo __(esc_html($item[‘name’]), ‘wc_return’); ?></option>
<small><?php _e(‘You can select multiple by holding down the CMD or Ctrl key.’,’wc_return’); ?></small>
<textarea name=”wc_message” id=”wc_message” cols=”30″ rows=”10″ placeholder=”<?php _e(‘Explain the reasons for your return’, ‘wc_return’) ?>”></textarea>
<input type=”hidden” name=”order” value=”<?php echo $order->id; ?>” />
<input type=”hidden” name=”customer” value=”<?php echo $order->billing_email; ?>” />
<input type=”text” name=”phone” id=”wc_phone” value=”<?php echo $order->billing_phone; ?>” />
<input type=”checkbox” name=”check1″ value=”Yes” required>Accept our return and exchange policy </br>
<input type=”submit” name=”submit” value=”<?php _e(‘Submit’,’wc_return’); ?>” />
It will be entered by user and we will be sent to given email (that is already setted up)
Now to give these information in email i used
$note_form_email = ”;
if ( $_POST[‘wc_message’] != ” ) {
$note .= ‘<br><br>’;
$note .= ‘<p>’.__(‘And the explanation:’, ‘wc_return’).'</p>’;
$note_form_email .= ‘<p>’.__(‘And the explanation:’, ‘wc_return’).'</p>’;
$note .= apply_filters( ‘the_content’, $_POST[‘wc_message’] );
$note_form_email .= apply_filters( ‘the_content’, $_POST[‘wc_message’] );
$note .= ‘<p>’.__(‘Customer details:’, ‘wc_return’).'</p>’;
$note_form_email .= ‘<p>’.__(‘Customer details:’, ‘wc_return’).'</p>’;
$note .= ‘<p>’.__(‘Customer phone:’,’wc_return’).'</p>’;
$note_form_email .= ‘<p>’.__(‘Customer phone:’,’wc_return’).'</p>’;
$note .= apply_filters(‘the_content’, $_POST[‘wc_phone’] );
$note_form_email .= apply_filters(‘the_content’, $_POST[‘wc_phone’] );
But output was like this
And the explanation:
Huhhh (written by user on wc_message)
Customer details:
Customer phone:
That ‘Huhhh’ was written by user on wc_message. He also wrote wc_phone but it was not showing in email. Wc_message is working properly but wc_phone isnt. What am i doing wrong?
Products selected for return are not displayed in admin email.
I use Variable products.
My site is under construction now.
Help me please.
content of email is customer wants to return these products:
but …
I recently buy your plugin for my website. Most of the features of your plugin are amazing. But on email only product information is not getting.
Please guide me what changes i have to do on my website to get product information.
Hi, i do not get mails though i have fed my email-id in “wc return products” subpanel. If there exists a minor bug, i request you to fix it.
If in case i am doing something wrong, then please guide me so that i start receiving mails if my customer returns an order.
thanks in advance.
]]>Not receiving mail notifications for return orders, used in extrakart.in.
Kindly give me a solution on this.
Thank you
]]>when i installed WC Returns products plugin and using woocommerce on wordpress.I am not getting any return request form on any page .what is the code required to configure the form .please tell me all steps in brief.
]]>This may be due to the fact that I am still on an older version of WooCommerce(3.0.1), but the products that need to be returned are not showing up in the e-mails.
The only reason I haven’t updated WooCommerce is because it originally had a bunch of issues, and I need to thoroughly test it before going forward with it.
]]>I want to add new fields in return form for example account details of a customer, in case of refund and want to add it to the order note. How can I add new fields and add it to order note.
how can I translate this plugin
I try loco translate but it’s not working
and Codestyling Localization It’s not available anymore ?
Hello pco_58
Thank you for your work on this simple yet well functioning plugin, Have you noticed that “Return Order” button in Customer’s order page adds a new note in Order details every time a Customer click it. Some Customers might unintentionally click it multiply times causing Order notes to be added multiply times in order details at “Back End” its kinda spammy for shop managers.
Could you please limit “Order Return” button to one time only per product. Or maybe limit it from adding order note everytime its clicked. Thank you very much
]]>After submit Taking too much time to response
“Your order return request was sent successfully and we will contact you soon. Thank you.”
Because of that customers are submitting again and again. Is there any solution to show the response quick.
]]>We are using WC-Return-Products latest plugin.
Plugin is working fine. But the issue we are facing:
Reason for return Message not getting in email. Only the default message “The customer wants to return these products” is getting in mail with product information. Please need your suggestions and fix on this.
When submitting return item the note from the form isn’t visible anywhere. I can see which item is being returned in the notes on the order – very inconvenient, BTW – can we get a mark on the item in the list within order?
However, the note (why the item is being returned) is not visible anywhere – not in the note and neither in the email generated. This is a huge deal because refund eligibility is being determined based on the RMA reason.
Can we display only form on a separate page which will open by clicking “Return Order” button?
Can we display “Return Order” button on order list page?
As you mention plugin details i have set the status and other settings for plugin but no button shows on customer order details page
]]>The plugin is stil unusable;
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in C:\wamp64\www\nusa\wp-content\plugins\wc-return-product\wc_return_product.php on line 256.
Reported this over month ago and nothing has been done.
]]>I want to add field for give reason that why you want to return this product. How can I customize return order form.
]]>Hello, just to understand better before using: your plugin only set a simple form of return from orders page and sends an email to admin. Is there a way to add a description message before the form? maybe using a add filter function? Furthermore it wold be helpful to have a text field where customer can explain reason of the return. Thank you very much!
]]>After a clean install, navigating to Woocommerce > WC Return Products results in this;
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in C:\wamp64\www\nusa\wp-content\plugins\wc-return-product\wc_return_product.php on line 245. It seems to be related to return status’.
If I place an order, on the Order Received page, I get;
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in C:\wamp64\www\nusa\wp-content\plugins\wc-return-product\wc_return_product.php on line 51
Any ideas?
]]>I see that if you click to view an order, there’s a “return” button at the bottom, but that’s not very user friendly. It would be a lot better to also have a return button next to the view button on the /my-account/orders page.
]]>thank you for the plugin , it works superb but i want to make little stylish in account details
In users order page Orders again and Return order both buttons are up and down i want to place the two buttons side by side , can you help me to solve the issue
you can the image of the buttons image link:-
Hallo admins??? are u here?? can we use this plugin or must we delete?
how translate statur order name :Want to be returned
]]>Hello, there are some minor issues which I’d like to be addressed.
Your order return request was send successfully and we contact you soon. Thank you.
should be
Your order return request was sent successfully and we will contact you soon. Thank you.
2) Can I change ‘Want to be returned’ status to something more apt. like ‘Return requested’.
3) I have refunded the order, but I still see a message about products awaiting refund. https://i.imgur.com/IOZHhZk.jpg
I’m not sure what exactly is causing it, perhaps because there are two items
Hello, I install the plugin in my woocommerce site and also configure but where is the return form ? actually i want t o show the return form but i dont finding return form . could u pls inform me . Thanks
I got this error message in the email I received when a customer return a product:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/*****/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wc-return-product/wc_return_product.php on line 127
do you have this problem too?
CustomOrderStatus.png image is missing in the assets folder.
]]>I had installed the plugin and it was working perfect…Unfortunatly stoped working and i can not understand why…please help me.my site url is https://onlinedoctor.gr/.
]]>I get this error after update.
Warning: require_once(/var/www/gate36.dk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wc-return-product//includes/wc_functions.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/gate36.dk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wc-return-product/wc_return_product.php on line 25
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/var/www/gate36.dk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wc-return-product//includes/wc_functions.php’ (include_path=’.’) in /var/www/gate36.dk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wc-return-product/wc_return_product.php on line 25
]]>I have an existing WooCommerce site. Today I activated WP Return Products, but I do not see any way to initiate a return. Is there a URL or menu option or button the customer must press to launch the return plugin? Thank you.