I would like to just display athe UNTAPPD rating of each beer on my page, can this plugin be used for this purpose?
]]>Error Log:
mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/thechunk/thechunk.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/untappd-checkins-widget/widgets/user_checkins.php on line 246, referer: https://thechunk.com/blog/wp-admin/widgets.php
PHP 7.4
Wordpress 5.8
Widget version: 1.3.3
The widget isn’t rendering presumably due to that error?
Please can you inform me if this is possible to use with wordpress 5.4.1?
Kind regards,
]]>Hi Michael –
Looks like a great widget here, thanks! – Hopefully we can get this working on our site as we need.
I have it all running but am wanting to display images of the checkins and possibly the brewery name and image too – or beer image, and also created a tiled layout.
Can you let me know which files to change and what code would be needed to display the checkin image and or brewery / beer image or brewery details?
Any other details on making a tiled display / css changes would be great too (c:
Many thanks in advance!
New Zealand.
First, thanks for the widget. I’ve been using it for awhile and it’s great.
I’m using the it in my homepage for my blog. I just noticed today that it’s not getting updates for my checkins. It seems to have stopped on May 20th, 2019. If you go to my Untappd profile, I had a check-in as recent as last night.
What can I do to troubleshoot? I’m on PHP 7.3 and WordPress 5.2.2. It’s version 1.3.2 of the widget.
]]>Bottom of the page should show recent check ins, has been working for a few years, but just checked and now I only have this:
cURL error 51: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ‘api.untappd.com’
]]>We re trying to get the brewery checkins to work on our home page but it just says “Nothing to display yet”. However in some kind of “live widget preview” everything works. We have contacted the tech support for our hosting and wordpress service but they could not find any problems.
]]>Hey there,
First off, thanks for setting this plugin up, it’s been great up until I got this issue.
My issue is I have two untappd users I want to show the checkins of. At first it worked: each feed had the respective user’s checkins, but sometime since approximately 1-3 months ago the feed of the second user began to show the first user’s checkins. Switching them around or re-inputting the usernames wouldn’t help; always the first user’s checkins would populate both feeds. A second untappd API key put in the widget window hasn’t helped either. Any idea where the error may be occurring?
I have installed the plugin, inputted the username, client and secret keys….yet nothing is displaying for this particular venue. I checked the venue’s Untappd page and there are checkins and activity. I don’t know how to get these to populate!
]]>We put the checkin feed at the bottom our page, it has been working great up until today when I checked it. Hasn’t updated since May, 2017…it is now September 2017.
Please advise.
]]>I have been using the Untapped widget with success for a while now, however recently the icon/theme of the widget do not seem function properly.
My entries are posting but in place of the icon this error is posed on my live site
Notice: Undefined variable: transient in /hermes/bosnaweb22a/b2540/ipg.zubrisbrewingcom/thelocalmash/wp-content/plugins/untappd-checkins-widget/untappdwidget.php on line 221
Please advise
site is https://www.thelocalmash.com
Am I missing something? I verified my API codes, pulled the plugin into a widget, and all it is displaying is my “Title” – not my check-ins. Are there other settings that I have to use? Or am I missing something.
]]>Can you make a widget or update this one so I can show checkins from a venu?
Something like:
]]>I was wondering if there is a way to show the thumbnails of the users feed?
]]>I received this message today:
As an Untappd API developer, we wanted to inform you that you will need to update your application to use our secure, HTTPS API endpoint (https://api.untappd.com). We will be discontinuing our standard HTTP API endpoint on 2/1/15. This will require you to update your code for your application to change the https:// protocol to https://.
After 2/1/15, your API key will no longer work over HTTP and return a 500 HTTP error. The security of the Untappd community is extremely important to us and this change will help keep things safer.
Will the plugin be updated to support the change? Or is there some workaround?
]]>Hi, I’m trying to get the Tappd widget working on my site. I have my Client ID, Client Secret, and Default Brewery ID entered in the Tappd settings. When I visit my page, I get the following error:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/www/manupbrewing.com/wp-content/plugins/tappd/tappd.php on line 505
I’m confident that my brewery ID is correct. If I visit https://untappd.com/brewery/76979 I am redirected to the correct brewery.
Any help is much appreciated. My website is https://www.manupbrewing.com. You can find the widget at the bottom of the page.
]]>I have my secret and client codes entered. I cannot get the widget to load anything. Here is my untappd feed below. Running wp 3.6.