My issue is probably not a fault of the Registered Users Only plugin, but more of a complication caused by WooCommerce. Still, it would be great if this plugin could handle it.
When I’m using WooCommerce and this plugin, users are unable to reset their passwords. We are setting up a private store for registered users only.
WooCommerce seems to redirect any reset-password request to
instead of
So, that WooCommerce login page, pretty as can be, is in the front end of the website, i.e. the same content that this plugin is protecting.
Is there some workaround for this, maybe a way to allow the standard reset-password page? Or (as another support request mentions) a special page such as the Privacy page? Then we could perhaps whitelist /my-account/lost-password.
]]>It would be practically to have than standard wp login and register page for frontpage login/register
]]>At the bottom of the login page is the navigation point Privacy. This is unfortunately also protected. How can I change this?
]]>Will personal data be processed / stored with this plugin?
Can visitors also register to enter page or is this just to login for existing users?
Thank you
]]>Hi All,
i installed the plugin but now have the following Problem:
– I’m not able to go to the block (as it should be ;))
– I’m redirected to the login page
– I login (Username/pw are correct) but get back to the same page with the message “Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this site. Please log in now:”
– So I’m not able to access the site
– If i deactivate the plugin logging in works again – but obviously the blog is also public again
Any ideas what could be wrong?
Does this plugin run properly on a multisite? I have installed it on a multisite for a customer, but then some pages were actually accessible, even though I had the plugin installed and active. And then at the same time, users were sometimes not able to access specific pages, when logged in.
Some of my pages got indexed on Google, even though Google shouldn’t be able to access them with the plugin.
Because of all this, I had to disable the plugin and instead use htaccess, since I couldn’t be 100% sure that it works correctly.
]]>Hello i use the plugin for quite a while now. Last week i switched over to SSL and since that moment i got the following problem. If a not registered user wants to login he gets the normal loginpage. When he enters the username and password he gets in kind of a loop and is getting ask for the username & password over and over again. Now I figured that if the User enters a URL via https:// the URL of the loginscreen looks something like this : and now he is in the loop of logging in over and over again. If he enters a https:// URL he gets the following URL for the login page: Is there any option or possibility to tell the plugin that it always should redirect to https:// no matter if the requested page is entered only with https://? Even if the user is logged in via https it is not possible to open pages via http URL cause it always asks for authentification and the loop starts again… Changing the .htaccess file also does not work as the plugin manages the redirectios itself…
]]>Plugin is not saving setting “Subscriber: [] Anyone can register”
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Can you make this plugin translation compatible, please?
]]>When we hit the “Reset Password” option, we use the “send me an email” option and wait for the email. Click the link in the email and it takes us to a page where we can reset the password.
At first there is a generated password and it looks like: “xR5*RZrJDJ8m$Pkh”
There is no obfuscation. No one will be able to memorize that so they type in “myPassword!123”. Meanwhile, the guy standing there helping the new employee get started, can read this new password. That is usually not a huge deal, but it would be better if they had to option to hide/show their password.
The password DOES switch to ???????? after you click the “Reset Password” button, so the code is there, somewhere, to handle this. My problem, is that I have no clue where to find it. It looks like the majority of this is being done in external files, some (if not all) are WP files. Can this be fixed on your end, or at least post the path to the file(s) that manipulate this? (I know that sometimes the functions that manipulate these are sometimes external so that they can change languages and such)
Thank you. This plug in has saved us a lot of time.
The plugin is not working for us at It rediercts the visitor to a blank page:
Please note: We have the iThemes Security plugin and the Google Apps Login plugin installed on this site.
Any ideas why the Registered Users Only plugin is not working?
Thank you.
]]>I deactivated, and then deleted the plugin, but I am still being redirected to the login page when I go to my site. ?? How do I undo what it has done?
]]>With new version of WordPress you get the error
Notice: load_plugin_textdomain was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.7 with no alternative available.
Which can be fixed by changing load_plugin_textdomain( 'registered-users-only', '/wp-content/plugins/registered-users-only' );
to load_plugin_textdomain( 'registered-users-only', false, trailingslashit( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) );
So, I have a custom made script that redirects to a file and starts download:
how do i make this accessible only to registered users, what code snippet do i need to add to code that it would be accessible only to blog readers?
]]>This link appears on the login page, but with the plugin active it takes you to the login page. It’s superfluous, and potentially confusing. It should be removed.
I get a login prompt and successfully login to view the main page, but if I click any link for a sub-page, I get the login prompt again which just returns me to the home page. Help?
]]>Hi, I have a website and I want only registered users to be able to view this site. Else, they need to be redirected to login form. I have installed the Registered Users Only plugin but it does not function as desired. When I type I am able to see the homepage. Only when I type I am getting a user friendly message which reads “You must be registered in order to view this site”
Can you please help me with the fix.
]]>When adding this plugin in a MU/Network installation, it will blocks all the hosted blogs.
A network activation blog by blog would be very helpful!
]]>I just created a word-press blog that I wanted to set as private, so i searched for a widget and installed registered users only plug-in. before I created any registered users, I was inadvertently signed out of word-press and now have locked myself out. How can I register myself or get back into the blog I was creating?
]]>How do you add files for exclusion? I want folks to be able to request a new password if need be without being redirected… as of now, when forgot password link is selected they go right back to login screen.
help please…
]]>I tried this plugin and it seems to have a bug.
After I log in to the admin panel, and I try to navigate in the admin menu, then I am being redirected to the login screen again and a parameter is being added to the url – reauth=1
Then I log in again, and try to navigate in the admin panel, and again I’m being redirected to login screen with reauth=1.
With this plugin turned off – this is no happening, so this plugin for sure makes the issue.
Is there a fix for this?
]]>At the top of the file, change this:
load_plugin_textdomain( 'registered-users-only', '/wp-content/plugins/registered-users-only' );
to this:
load_plugin_textdomain( 'registered-users-only', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) );
]]>Why at login the screen shows a link ← Back to Site name ? It makes no sense as people are not logged in yet.
]]>There is no link in the settngs section to actually set up the plugin
]]>I am using Registered Users Only v1.0.3 with WP v3.1.2. The site is multisite, and I’m wondering if that’s part of the issue. I have the plugin activated, and it works fine until I click on “Register.” I am redirected back to the login screen. Can you help me out?
Here’s the page that is experiencing the problem:
]]>I think this plugin will do what we need. There are a few things that that i don’t know if it is in the setting for the widget.
* Forget password
* register
* logoff button
Let me know if this is possible.
]]>Is there any way to have Registered Used apply to only a selected number of pages in my site? I want the majority of the site unprotected but have two pages that I want only resitered users to get access to.
]]>Hi..I have removed this plugin from Mysql DB as well as in WP console but users are still prompted to view login screen when visting this url Any ideas on how to remove this functionality? Should I remove core WP files?