Your plugin is perfect for what I need but there’s a very long delay in the redirect after registering. No issues at all when logging in, just registering. Can you help?
How to translate this plugin ? Loco translate doesn’t work with this plugin….
]]>Can invitation codes only be generated manually? I would need a solution to generate a code for 700 customers at once and export it via csv.
do you have any idea? do you offer costumization of your plugin?
Dear Concern,
We, a group of researchers from University of Virginia and Johns Hopkins University, are analyzing the GDPR compliance in different plugins. From our analysis we found that you are storing ’firstname, lastname, username, email, nickname’ (PII information) information in the database. Neither you mentioned in your privacy policy that the data will be stored. According to GDPR, whenever you store PII, you need to provide user the data access and data deletion functionality and clearly mention this in privacy policy. Not doing so will violate GDPR law.
Can you please take a look at this issue? If needed we can provide more information on this.
I’ve setup a custom link on my menu as per the instructions, but in some browsers. When i click the link it opens a blank new tab with the URL about:blank#blocked.
It seems to work on my desktop in chrome (Version 88.0.4324.150) but doesn’t work in MS Edge or on my Android devices.
Settings i used on custom link
URL: https://#
LabelL: Login
CSS Classes: cmreg-login-click
Tried the URL as just # but that didn’t do anything.
]]>After some security issues with another registration form, I installed CM Registration Pro. I created a login form first, it showed up in Divi, and I logged out. Later, I could not reach my custom login URL (the website kept reloading) and I could not log in from the CM login form. I deleted the plugin in AMP and things returned to normal.
As I’m new to this plugin and it has many settings, perhaps I did something wrong.
Help would be appreciated.
does this plugin offer memberPress integration or only S2Member Pro integration?
Kind Regards
Do you have or plan myCRED integration? I want both invitee and invited users to have myCRED Points after the invited person registration.
I am using your plugin cm registration plugin it’s really awesome. but I am facing an issue when I open or /wp-admin since I added shortcode [cmreg-login]Text[/cmreg-login] in function file. I am using a plugin force login on my website but this plugin redirects to old login page
I asked them for support so they responded me:
]]>However, the CM Registration and Invitation Codes plugin is for adding an AJAX/JS modal popup window to login with and may not have a static URL to redirect to.
You should ask them if there is a way (URL query) to load a page with the popup opened on load? If there is, then you could use the login_url filter to change WordPress to use that URL for the login screen.
Hello. Looking at the docs about this plugin I couldn’t find an answer to my question.
Is it possible to link an invitation code to a specific role?
I mean: I create a code for a group named “Clients ABCDEF”. When a user registers using that code, is it possible to have him in a specific role named “Clients ABCDEF”?
Thank you in advance.
Thank You for This Good plugin????
Your plugin ?Doesn’t Have Language file,
How I Can Translate To Other Languages?
I installed this plug-in, and it looks nice.
However, once I am logged in by using this utility, and try to access WP dashboard, or edit the profile, so pages such as /wp-admin/index.php or /wp-admin/profile.php, I am being logged-out, and redirected to WP login page.
Then, when I log in by default WordPress page, everything works fine. Also, I have Profile builder plug-in, and its login also works fine for dashboard access too. Furthermore, I have no problem to log in via CM registration pop-up, and edit the profile by using Profile builder. However /wp-admin/ stays forbidden zone for user logged-in by CD Registration window.
I tried uninstalling several plug-ins, including said Profile builder, Dashboard access and cache plugin, but it did not change anything.
Is this problem by any chance related solely to the CM Registration?
Login link is made by using css class “cmreg-login-click”. In CM Registration setting, “Disable wp-login.php and redirect to this URL” field has been left empty.
]]>I install plugin and followed steps via video clip, on new page enter css code, and when click on menu on log in, appear only css code.
Maybe dont work because from area widgets dissapear META VIDGET, and dont find him on files. On front page on site can see, but in area widget is dissapear.
What do, did know maybe?
Is it compatible with Ultimate Member?
]]>When I click on ‘Settings’ I am redirected to a page that displays this error message ‘Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.’
I have deactivated/reactivated the plugin, but the issue remains. I created a new user with Administrator rights and the issue still remains. Any help on this?
]]>Hi, trying out several plugins prior to purchasing the Pro bundle. On this plugin, after activation I get a “Page not found” error. I can renavigate to the plugins page, but I cannot access the plugin’s Settings page – I just get the “Page not found” error. I am assuming the error I get on activation is because it auto-navigates to the Settings page.
I’ve tried reactivating it, no good. Other CM plugins (Onboarding, FAQ) don’t have this problem, everything works fine with them.
I am running a localhost server for development, could that be an issue? Any advice would be welcome, I’m hoping to stay with as few vendors as possible for my plugin selection to ease compatibility and support.
Thanks for any help!
I have installed the plugin and created a menu item as per the video however the link is not working – nothing happens. I did the same for a widget with the same result – nothing happens when clicking.
Please advise?
I can not seem to find where to add additional registration forms.
I want to add User Role specific registration forms.
Is this possible, i have the CM pro registration.
Kind regards,
Is it possible to get the login and registration form to popup in PHP and not from a link? Any help really appreciated, as I have it working from a link and it looks great but I need to wrap logic around it.
]]>Update Failed: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
Update Failed: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
Added sidebar widget “Login form”.
Added sidebar widget “Registration form”.
Added new shortcode cmreg-registration-btn.
Added option to display the Terms of Service acceptance checkbox.
Made the invitation codes manually editable by admin.
CSS improvements.
Update Failed: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
Fixed bug with setting user role by invitation code.
Update Failed: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
Updated licensing dashboard.
Update Failed: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
Added separate CSS class for buttons to display only the login form and another to display only the registration form.
Added option to include username to the redirection URL after login.
Update Failed: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
Added option to add the extra fields to the registration form.
Displaying extra fields on the user’s profile page in Dashboard.
Added option to export users with its extra fields values to the CSV file.
Added parameter role=some to the registration shortcode.
Show full plugin changelog
Update Failed: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
]]>Good day
When a member registers on the website using your plugin, the system doesn’t send out a welcome email.
By registering with the wordpress’s default registration page the system sends it out but not with your plugin.
Is there any setting I can change to do that?.
Thank you
]]>Good day
I use this plugin and I really think it is a great plugin!. There is just one flaw there is a long delay in clicking on the button and waiting for the popup to appear.
Is there anyway to speed up this delay of about 5+ seconds?
Thank you
]]>When I try to register as a new user with the INVITATION CODE created I got a blank screen with the following error
fatal error: Call to a member function get_error_code() on a non-object in ……..woocommerce/function.php line 777
Is there any kind of compatibility issue with woocommerce?
Thanks for your help!
After the account confirmation the registrant user receive three times the password.
I see that another people have the same issue but no response.
What can we do to solve this issue ?
Thank You
]]>Confirmation email states from WordPress. How do I change that to a different name? Thanks.
]]>How to integrate countdown timer into a custom post type template? I have custom post and need to have it display the timer from my posts WYSIWYG editor directly into the template as shortcode. At present timer will not display no matter what I do. I use Gantry 4 Framework. What is the shortcode format to parse date and time from a post ID into the custom post type template? Thanks.
]]>Used the created invitation code to test a new user. Link in email does not work. Getting 404 Error page. There are no detailed instructions for getting this working. The one installation note does not help me at all. There is no further information to go on. Please be more specific. Thanks.
]]>(Note: You must have a call to wp_head() in your template in order for the JS plugin files to work properly. If your theme does not support this you will need to link to these files manually in your theme (not recommended).
the default activation mail sends out a link in “” html tags format.
This format is not used and will be shown by mailprograms as plain text, (tested with gmx mailer and thunderbird)
So better stick to plaintext and remove the single html-tag in the default mail.
]]>Your plugin sends the activation mail once as it should. A click on the confirmation-link sends out two mails:
both with different passwords, the latest mail being the valid password for signing in. Clicking on the confirmation code again generates 2 new mails with two new passwords again.
]]>CM Vers. 2.2
WP Vers. 3.5.2
Despite having the CM Invitation Code plugin installed, I am still receiving numerous registrations from users without invite codes ???
Is there a way that I can set the system (my site) to prevent this?
TIA for your time, effort and consideration.