Hi, I have a trouble, our users cannot use the google and facebook login/registration to my site:
Example video proof
As you can see in the video below, is not showing and error, but is not login in into the website.
Can someone help me?
Thanks ??
I get an email from Facebook.
Your Login button doesn’t properly reference Facebook. To fix this issue, you should always use our official SDK for Login. For more information on Login best practices, check out the Login section of our developer documents: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/best-practices#buttondesign.
i try to change social button styling like this https://prnt.sc/nfkkik but when i try in my wp-admin the social button styling can’t show like this https://prnt.sc/nfkjkj
How to solve this problem? please fast response because urgent
]]>Hello, most of our users are confusing the google plus registration with their google account, they think they are going to be registered with google plus account and not with the google account… How can I change the login icon of google.
]]>I have set up the plugin correctly and registration works fine as I can see the user in the dashboard but when I try to login with Facebook(after successful Facebook registration) it redirects me to wp-login.php again and again. Please let me know what can cause this.
]]>Please make sure your sites are on HTTPS for Social logins to work. To ensure this, please go to WP Admin – Settings – Geenral area and make sure the site URL and Home URL field start with https:// (not https://, note the “s” here )
]]>when i Activated the plugin the facebook button on the login popup and the wp-login page are not working, there is a void(0) script blocking the event
]]>I just installed the plugin, Facebook works fine but I get the following error when I click in the Google button:
400. That’s an error.
Error: invalid_request
Missing required parameter: redirect_uri
I tried putting the URL of my site both in the plugin and in the google console and still got that error.
]]>Whenever I click on the Facebook button on the login screen, nothing happens. A little grey tag on the bottom says “javascript:void(0)”. I’ve filled in my Facebook App details. As well as this, whenever I click on the Google+ button, it takes me to an error page (I think 400) where it states an invalid request.
Has anyone had this and know how to fix it?
]]>Hi, I have installed your plugin and it′s awesome! But I have a problem, I can′t find Twitter and Linkedin social buttons in setting area, only Facebook and Google +. Can you help me please?
Thanks and kind regards
]]>I just want the app to populate the buddypress fields in the registraiton for since, other details are needed for registeration, like which course he is interested
]]>I want to redirect to the profile page so that the user can complete his other details.
]]>Is it possible to get the user Facebook avatar on login?
I am testing your plugin and I have detected same errors:
1) the same error listed in the following post are repited also with facebook
2) Avatar (profile picture) is not uploaded from facebook
3) In the page mysite/wp-login the facebook botton is located on the left zone in the down zone of the page.
4) I also use the following plugin:
BuddyPress Registration widget. With this plugin when an user is registered he will be redirect to the setting page for add the AVATAR (profile picture).
A lot of times, when an user use the facebook botton for register the account (using your plugin?), user is registered in my web but the account will not opened … The user is log out… I think there is a no compatibility…
Can you resolve this problem?
Please let me know if you can.
Can you integrate Twitter connect to this plugin? All of such login/signup plugins support at least Facebook, Google, Twitter plus others.
]]>Hi there,
I’m having an issue with the profile fields.
Not sure if I’m doing something wrong, but when signing in with Google it maps the users’ email address as nickname when viewing the user’s profile in WordPress, instead of the name or display name. It also doesn’t sync the first and last name and it uses the email address as the username.
This is not ideal as it then shows the email address to users on the url when viewing someone’s profile.
Is there anything I can do to fix this?
What is a ” Client Uri “?
And how does the https://prntscr.com/a54gml Map Fields work? Where does email should go for example on BIO? Name or Speciality.
is there some way to add the date of birth of someone that made the login with Facebook in my WordPress/Buddypress site?
]]>How do you manually add the buttons via php? (Use use a custom login template)
Thanks for continuing to update this plugin. I have some small requests:
1. I prefer the username not to just be the first name, but instead something like first_last. Can you add a filter for the username so developers can modify it how we see fit without hacking the plugin?
$user_login = apply_filters( 'pre_user_login', $name);
$user_id = wp_create_user( $user_login , $random_password, $email );
'user_url'=> $link,
'user_nicename'=> $user_login,
'first_name' => $first_name,
2. Can you make the word “FACEBOOK” in this line “Facebook” so we may more easily format its case in css? Also the whole line could be filterable.
echo '<a class="bp_social_connect_facebook" href="javascript:void(0)">'.__('FACEBOOK','bp-social-connect').'</a><br />';
3. There is something wrong with the redirection after login. It’s not working for me especially on wp-login.php
Thanks for all you do.
]]>Please add a LinkedIn connection to enable login/registration with a LinkedIn profile.
Most people prefer to use LinkedIn for professional connections and Facebook for personal needs.
]]>The facebook application requires knowing the ‘user_likes’ which need to be reviewed by facebook for approval. Since I can’t see how this functionality is used in the login, the submission could not be approved. I suggest to remove this by going by FTP or plugin editor to : plugins=>bp-social-connect=>includes=>social=>facebook=>class.facebook.php
Line 133
delete this words
so that the final code for line 133 will be :
}, {scope: 'email', return_scopes: true});
Please update if there is similar problems or any other solution
]]>There was an update, but no changelog. Can you add a changelog? Thanks!
]]>PHP Warning: require_once(/home/domains/..../www/wp-content/plugins/bp-social-connect/includes/social/twitter/OAuth.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/domains/..../www/wp-content/plugins/bp-social-connect/includes/social/twitter/twitteroauth.php on line 10, referer: https://....
PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home/domains/..../www/wp-content/plugins/bp-social-connect/includes/social/twitter/OAuth.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /home/domains/..../www/wp-content/plugins/bp-social-connect/includes/social/twitter/twitteroauth.php on line 10, referer: https://....
I’m getting this notice with WP_DEBUG set to true.
Notice: Undefined index: google in /var/www/mysite/wp-content/plugins/bp-social-connect/includes/social/google/class.google.php on line 30
On the demo theme of WPLMS, trying to signup using the facebook button, it doesn’t work.
Try it yourself: https://vibethemes.com/envato/wplms/skins/points_system/register/
Is there any code missing?
Everything else is working fine (login with facebook is fine)
Can this app support more fields for mapping to BuddyPress (ie. current city, state, country)?
Is it just a matter of changing the fields array?
var $fields = array(
'id' => '',
'email' =>'',
'first_name' =>'',
'gender' =>'',
'last_name' =>'',
'link' =>'',
'locale' =>'',
'name' =>'',
'timezome' =>'',
'updated_time' =>'',
'verified' => '',
Also, I’d like the user name to be more than just the first name (.ie john_doe instead of just @john). How could I do that?
Thank you for your work on this.
Am not able to map fb fields to bp profile fields
Can you kindly let me know how it’s done?