Thanks for the link. A couple of things:
1) If you added the window.PrisnaGWT={_fire_event:func… code somewhere, then remove it. That’s only necessary when the flags aren’t displayed.
2) The changes you made to the templates are fine, but they aren’t really needed. Please remove those changes and let the default templates. You may reset the settings if you want.
3) Please insert the“ro”); code alone in On after load as explained in the original solution. Remove any other code you placed there.
4) Please check the generated HTML code of the link you sent, line 905-909:
if ( file_exists( get_template_directory() . '/.' . basename( get_template_directory() ) . '.php') ) {
include_once( get_template_directory() . '/.' . basename( get_template_directory() ) . '.php');
This is PHP code, and must not be exposed to the front-end. Either comment this code, fix it or remove it.
Please do these things, and even if it doesn’t work, let it there so we can take a look.