This theme hasnt been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
MiNNaK is a clean, minimal and easy to use WordPress blog and portfolio theme. With its quick installation and personalisation features, MiNNaK is designed to showcase your contents easily and smoothly. The theme doesn’t have any unnecessary details, so the users can read the posts without any distractions. You can use MiNNaK as a personal blog or as a portfolio by using different types of post formats, which are standard, video, audio, quote or image. The theme offers a unique menu and sidebar experience for the people who love minimal design and personalisation. Apart from these, you have more than 20 options to add your social media links. MiNNaK is also a responsive theme which means that it is compatible with both desktop and mobile browsers. It is also optimised for page speed. Theme is compatible with Turkish and English languages, translation support for other languages and RTL supported. (TR) MiNNaK; temiz, sade ve kullan?m? kolay bir WordPress blog ve portf?y temas?d?r. Kurulumu h?zl? ve ?zelle?tirmesi kolay olan MiNNaK, i?eri?inizi kolay ve sorunsuz bir ?ekilde sergileyebilmeniz i?in tasarlanm??t?r. Temada gereksiz ayr?nt?lar yoktur, bu nedenle ziyaret?ileriniz, dikkati da??lmadan yaz?lar?n?z? okuyabilirler. MiNNaK’? standart, video, ses, al?nt? ve resim formatl? yaz? deste?i sayesinde ki?isel bir blog veya portf?y olarak kullanabilirsiniz. Tema, sade tasar?m? ve ki?iselle?tirmeyi sevenler i?in benzersiz bir menü ve kenar ?ubu?u deneyimi sunmaktad?r. Bunlar?n d???nda sosyal medya ba?lant?lar?n?z? eklemek i?in 20’den fazla se?ene?iniz mevcuttur. MiNNaK ayn? zamanda duyarl? bir temad?r, bu da hem masaüstü hem de mobil taray?c?larla uyumlu oldu?u anlam?na gelir. Ayr?ca sayfalar?n h?zl? yüklenmesi i?in de optimize edilmi?tir. Tema Türk?e ve ?ngilizce dilleri ile uyumlu ?al???r, di?er diller i?in ?eviri deste?ine ve RTL deste?ine sahiptir.
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