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  • I was seeing the same error, along with an undefined property error for each menu item.

    Notice: Undefined property: fdmViewItem::$prices in /home/***/wp-content/plugins/food-and-drink-menu/views/View.Menu.class.php on line 286

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/***/wp-content/plugins/food-and-drink-menu/views/View.Menu.class.php on line 286

    No menu items have prices on this particular site.

    Under Settings > Functionality, the Disable Price was in the ON position, disabling prices. When I move the Disable Price slider to OFF, the errors disappear.

    When I move both the Disable Price and Disable Microdata sliders to ON, the errors disappear.

    I tried changing the woocommerce_force_ssl_checkout setting at wp-admin/options.php, but the setting was not saved. I searched the wp_options table for option_name = woocommerce_force_ssl_checkout, changed the option_value to yes, and saved the change.

    If you have a site cache set up, you may need to clear it before the change is effective.

    Thread Starter Ryan Zook


    Thanks for following up.

    The active plugin Post SMTP is a fork of the original Postman. Obviously some diagnostic messages carry the old name.

    Add the following snippet to Customize > Additional CSS:

    .team-member .social-icons {
    display: none;

    Thanks for the tip, @preponadime. Backups were completing successfully but Backup Guard continued to report a PHP execution timeout issue. I took the same steps (deactivate and delete plugin, then reinstall) and it also resolved my issue. Previous backups were still there.

    I can verify that @ozanyilmaz2017’s suggested solution works.

    You can edit the carousel settings in the theme folder, lucienne\template-parts\carousel.php. Line 10 is the line to tinker with (in version 0.0.6).

    $new_query = new WP_Query( array( 'cat' => $carousel_cat , 'showposts' => $carousel_count ));

    You can edit it like this to randomize the posts that are selected from that category:

    $new_query = new WP_Query( array( 'cat' => $carousel_cat , 'showposts' => $carousel_count , 'orderby' => 'rand' ));

    Hi, we could help more effectively if you would include a link to the site you’re working on.

    When viewing the primary menu in Appearance > Menus, you should have the option to expand Categories and select any of the blog categories to add them to the menu. If that is how you are adding the category links, then I’d have to see your site to make any further recommendations.

    Re: line 7, the Customize panel uses CSSLint, which doesn’t support the fr type (yet). That CSS works as entered. You should have an option to check “Update anyway, even though it might break your site,” then Publish.

    Instead of grid-gap, use column-gap. Grid-gap is supported by some browsers, but column-gap has broader support.

    The h2 content declaration needs a second “, as in content: ” “;

    The theme is set to hide the actual phone number. The phone number can be displayed (and formatted) with this CSS snippet added to Additional CSS.

    .social-links a[href*='tel:'] .screen-reader-text
    	clip: auto;
    	color: #9da4aa;
    	font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
    	height: auto;
    	padding-left: 6px;
    	top: 0;
    	width: auto;

    It appears you included the brackets [] in your phone number link. Those should be removed.

    To remove the widget border, add the following CSS snippet to Additional CSS:

    .sidebar .widget.widget_custom_html {
        border: none;

    Your author profile photo must be uploaded to the site before it can be linked in this widget. Upload your JPG image to the Media Library, then link to its address, beginning with https and ending with .jpg.

    For the author name to appear once below the photo, remove the title from the Custom HTML widget in Appearance > Widgets. Then include the <h1 class="widget-title">Author Name</h1> snippet in the body of the widget.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Ryan Zook.

    Add the following snippet to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:

    .social-links ul a[href*='tel:']:before {
        content: "\f095";

    Then add to your social media menu a Custom Link with a URL of tel:[phone-number-here] and your phone number in Link Text, formatted like XXX-XXX-XXXX or as you like.

    You are right, the body text is Merriweather, but the title is actually an image of text in the Bebas Neue Bold font. To replicate that design, you would download the Bebas Neue Bold font (perhaps from, create a title image using text with that font in a photo editing program like Photoshop or Gimp, and add that image to the site in Appearance > Customize > Site Identity > Logo.

    To change the title text without a plugin, go to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS, and add the following snippet:

    .site-title, .site-title a {

    Between the curly braces, you can add any of these properties:

      font-family: "font name",serif;
      font-style: [normal, italic];
      font-weight: [normal, bold];
      text-transform: [capitalize, uppercase, lowercase];

    Each property changes the text in different ways. The terms in brackets show different options. Remove the brackets and keep only one term. As you work, Customize will show you a preview of the text, and warn you if you make mistakes.

    Changing fonts using CSS styles is limited to fonts that are available on the user’s computer or device. If you want users to see your text in a particular font like Bebas Neue, you need to provide that font using a plugin or other method. The website gives several methods, although I prefer using functions.php to enqueue fonts.

    Using your Facebook profile from the site, the section for social icons should be like this:

              <li><a href=""><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a></li>

    If you want to change the site title from Playfair Display to another font, a plugin is probably the simplest way to do it. Here’s one such plugin:

    If you just want to change color or styling for that title text, that can be done without a plugin.

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