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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Crop-Thumbnails] Cropping no longer working / possible explanationUpdating to 1.9.4 solved the issue for me. Thanks a lot! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Crop-Thumbnails] Cropping no longer working / possible explanationThank you for replying quickly, I really appreciate it.
I rolled back to v1.8.0 in five affected WordPress installations. Et voila, “crop thumbnails” is working again perfectly in all instances!
Thank you for providing this temporary solution, I’m sure that you’ll find and fix the issue somewhen soon… ??
RalphSince the developer doesn’t even answer questions concerning critical problems (see my posting about severe PHP 8 compatibility issues whis is two weeks old now), this plugins is to be considered abandoned. Which is a pity considering that there are no real alternatives around.
That being said, we don’t know the reasons and so we shouldn’t blame the author who may have a hard time right now outside of the WordPress virtual world…
RalphThanks for the quick reply! I’m using the latest version 3.3.35 and I was very happy with all previous versions of Sassy Social Share which didn’t have the problem.
I tested several of my sites with several browsers (Vivaldi and MS Edge on PC, Samsung Internet on my Android tablet) and I could reproduce the issue in all cases.
Will send an email to your support as requested.
Thanks again,
Ralph- This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by zonebattler.
Hi Bryle, thank you for getting in touch with me!
I didn’t consider the other plugins to be relevant in this case since I use the same set of plugins in several installations that behaved differently nevertheless. However, I followed your advice and was surprised to see that the following procedure worked for me and solved the problem:
1) Disable all active plugins.
2) Enable (only) the UpdraftPlus plugin.
3) Go to the dashboard and dismiss the UpdraftPlus installation message.
4) Refresh the dashboard page to verify that the message is really gone now! ??
5) Enable all other plugins again.
6) Go back to the dashboard to see that the Updraft message doesn’t show up anymore!So funnily enough, there was no permanent plugin conflict. The sequence of activating them (UpdraftPlus first) made the difference.
I hope this helps other user to solve the problem should they encounter it.
Thanks again,
RalphAddendum: When using WP Permission Manager instead of Members, you may keep your Members localization files under their original names. They will continue to work since WP Permission Manager is actually a fork of Members (without the added bloatware stuff). Great!
- This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by zonebattler.
I switched over to WP Permission Manager:
This plugin is forked from the last release of the popular justintadlock/members plugin, before it’s codebase was hijacked and turned into a sales pitch for a premium plugin by it’s new maintainers.
My recommendation: Follow me!
+1 The message keeps appearing, which is most annoying indeed and a reason to look for a more decent alternative. Any suggestions?
Karin, just create a blank text file with any editor, paste the plugin code into it and save it in a file named “wptouch-sidebar-support.php” in your wp-contents/plugins directory (where all other plugins are located as well). Yes, you may create a special folder named “wptouch-sidebar-support” for it for aesthetic reasons, but it will also work without a separate folder. The names I suggested are examples, the plugin php file will work with any name you prefer to give it…
Ralph- This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by zonebattler.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by zonebattler.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by zonebattler.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-Typography] Umbruchfehler in Chromium-basierten BrowsernIch bleibe dran und poste noch zwei weitere Screenshots in den Bugtracker, das Problem beschr?nkt sich beileibe nicht auf den Textflu? um Bilder herum, es kommt auch zu merkwürdigen Umbrüchen innerhalb reiner Textbeitr?ge…
Perfect! Only a modern, truly responsive theme could be better. WPtouch is definitively the best way to keep an old, but much loved non responsive theme up to date. Thank you very much indeed!
RalphThanks for getting back to me! Now I can see that I misunderstood the concept of the plugin… OK, it really does what you say, it adds another sidebar widget specifically designed for the WPtoch mobile theme. Great concept!
As you can see in the mobile version of my blog at
several sorts of standard sidebar widgets (pages, categories, new posts, HTML) are working principally fine. The only issue left is a somewhat clumsy appearance: There is one unnecessary bullet sign on top of each widget and the text strings / links are clinging to the left border of the display. If you could tell me a little CSS trick with which I could remove the bullet points and add a little left hand padding, I’d be more than happy! ??
Thanks again vor your support!
Greetings from Germany,
RalphForum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-Typography] Unerwünschte Silbentrennung im Hauptmenü unterbindenWunderbar, das hat auf Anhieb geklappt, danke! Ich mu?te noch in Menüpunkten aus mehreren Worten (“Fragen & Antworten” etc.) die Leerstellen durch non-breaking spaces ersetzen, damit die dann auch ungetrennt bleiben, aber jetzt stehen alle Menüpunkte ordentlich in (nur) einer Reihe nebeneinander.
Kleiner Nebeneffekt ist, da? sich die Eintr?ge mitunter recht nah aneinander dr?ngen, im Einzelfall sogar etwas überlappen, weil der Tablet-Browser die Schrift offenbar etwas gr??erer rendered als die PC-Browser, siehe
Aber damit kann ich gut leben, das Menü bleibt bedienbar und schaut einzeilig deutlich besser aus als willkürlich auf zwei Zeilen zerhackstückelt…
Ich habe den CSS-Code jetzt in fünf WordPressen eingebaut, in denen ich das (bis auf die Farben) gleiche Theme verwende, welches auf dem bekannten Standard-Theme Twentyten aufbaut. Funktoniert überall und die mitunter sehr kleinen (und im Einzelfall gar negativen) Abst?nde zwischen den Menüpunkten fallen nicht so arg ins Gewicht.
Nochmals herzlichen Dank für die Unterstützung,
RalphForum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-Typography] Unerwünschte Silbentrennung im Hauptmenü unterbindenNachtrag: Ich habe Deinen zweiten Vorschlag ausprobiert, indem ich den vorgeschlagenen Code-Schnipsel in die function.php des Themes eingetragen habe. Hat allerdings – leider – keinerlei Wirkung gezeitigt…
Beste Grü?e,
RalphForum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-Typography] Unerwünschte Silbentrennung im Hauptmenü unterbindenHallo pepe,
vielen Dank für die prompte und ausführliche Antwort! Ich hab’ mal WPtouch tempor?r deaktiviert, damit Du den Effekt auch nachvollziehen kannst. Hier habe ich zudem einen Screenshot bereitgestellt:
Die Hilfe hatte ich gelesen und auch, da? das Eintragen von Klassen und/oder IDs nicht funktionieren kann. Ich habe mich allerdings gewundert, warum es diese Eingabefelder für Ausnahmen dann überhaupt gibt? Offensichtlich habe ich da irgendwas immer noch nicht kapiert…
Danke auch für Deine beiden L?sungsans?tze, zu deren Implementation es mir allerdings leider am n?tigen Hintergrundwissen fehlt. Ich fürchte, da? ich dann halt dann mit dem komischen Effekt leben mu?. Auf WP Typography zu verzichten, ist hingegen keine Option: Sowohl die wunderbare Wandelung der Anführungszeichen als auch die Silbentrennung sind unverzichtbare Features für mich.
Ganz herzlichen Dank für Deinen Unterstützungsversuch und vor allem für die Pflege dieses grandiosen Plugins!
Beste Grü?e,