Hi there, I’m having the same error. I used the code that was posted here, and it fixed one of my forms, but the other is still getting the orange outline error message. I’ve changed my spam settings in the code and in the Google Captcha plugin to 0.0.
The Beginner Driver Education form works and submits successfully with all autoresponses etc., but the Senior Retesting/Road Test Prep/Private lesson (these buttons all load the same form) is having an error. –>https://www.wardsdriving.ca/register-driving-school/
Do I need a second code in my functions.php file, because there should be one code for each form?
I am using the captcha v.3 and have updated the plugin to the latest version released 2 days ago, and my WordPress install is up to date. Why is one form working but the other hitting spam? How do I fix this?