Forum Replies Created
Yes, you’re right ofcourse. Sorry about that.
But I missed the ‘);’ in both lines, so technically it is still correct ??Because unfortunately, they changed nothing, or the change was not incorporated in the update by mistake.
Just change
register_uninstall_hook( $this->plugin_name, array(&$this, 'uninstall')
back into
register_uninstall_hook( $this->plugin_name, array('nggLoader', 'uninstall')
in nggallery.phpForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Log] [Plugin: Email Log] Notices undefined indicesHi Sudar,
This is how I changed your code to avoid the notices:
function settings_page() { global $wpdb; global $text_direction; $base_name = plugin_basename('email-log'); $base_page = 'admin.php?page='.$base_name; // $email_log_page = intval($_GET['emaillog_page']); $email_log_page = (isset($_GET['emaillog_page'])) ? intval($_GET['emaillog_page']) : 0; // $emaillogs_filterid = trim(addslashes($_GET['id'])); $emaillogs_filterid = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? trim(addslashes($_GET['id'])) : "" ; // $emaillogs_filter_to_email = trim(addslashes($_GET['to_email'])); $emaillogs_filter_to_email = (isset($_GET['to_email'])) ? trim(addslashes($_GET['to_email'])) : "" ; // $emaillogs_filter_subject = trim(addslashes($_GET['subject'])); $emaillogs_filter_subject = (isset($_GET['subject'])) ? trim(addslashes($_GET['subject'])) : "" ; // $emaillog_sort_by = trim($_GET['by']); $emaillog_sort_by = (isset($_GET['by'])) ? trim($_GET['by']) : ""; $emaillog_sortby_text = ''; // $emaillog_sortorder = trim($_GET['order']); $emaillog_sortorder = (isset($_GET['order'])) ? trim($_GET['order']) : "" ; $emaillog_sortorder_text = ''; $email_log_perpage = intval($this->get_per_page()); $emaillog_sort_url = '';
Grtz, Zjan
Hi pyarasujal,
Yes, you can. It’s probably a little crude, but this is how you can do it.
In your (child)themes directory, you should create a subdirectory structure like this :
Next copy
and copy
Edit both price.php files and add the following code between the <?php and ?> (just before the $global line is best in my opinion)
if (!is_user_logged_in()) return;
This will prevent prices showing up in the catalogue, search pages and single product page. If you’re using widgets however, this will not stop showing the price, I think.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Log] [Plugin: Email Log] Simple check box to delete?Sorry guys, should have posted this in a new thread.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Log] [Plugin: Email Log] Simple check box to delete?Hi Sudar,
It’s a tiny issue, but when using it in my development environment, I get 6 notices like Notice: Undefined index: emaillog_page in /home/……/wp-content/plugins/email-log/email-log.php on line 194 because you’re using intval($_GET[’emaillog_page’]) without checking isset($_GET[’emaillog_page’]).
Again, it’s a tiny issue, but easy to avoid.
But thanks for a very nice plugin, I was wondering (as a new user) where WP left it’s sent emails, but apparantly it doesn’t.
Greetz, Zjan
Just checked your site, I can see below “Su pedido”, all the way to and including the “Realizar el pedido” button. Checked it in Firefox, Chrome and IE.
Good luck.I meant slightly more elegant ??
That’s why I thought the second solution was slightly more original, the original CSS was
div.thumbnails a { float: left; margin-right: 3.8%; width: 30.75%;
margin-bottom: 3.8%;
would make it more consistent.Glad I could help
Woocommerce itself comes packed with quite a few languages already.
In your wp-config.php you can set your languagedefine('WPLANG', 'nl_NL'); //define('WPLANG', 'en-EN');
If that is not enough Google WPML for Woocommerce
A change was apparantly made a week or so ago to make the order title translatable,
the line :
'post_title' => 'Order – '.date('F j, Y @ h:i A'),
was changed into :
'post_title' => sprintf( __( 'Order – %s', 'woocommerce' ), strftime( _x( '%B %e, %Y @ %I:%M %p', 'Order date parsed by strftime', 'woocommerce' ) ) ),
but obviously that has not been thoroughly tested.If you really need it to work again soon, you could always change it back.
Grtz, Zjan
I have the same problem.
The error is triggered in this line:
'post_title' => sprintf( __( 'Order – %s', 'woocommerce' ), strftime( _x( '%B %e, %Y @ %I:%M %p', 'Order date parsed by strftime', 'woocommerce' ) ) ),
while filling the array $order_data in line 317 of method WC_Checkout->process_checkout( ) which is called from woocommerce-ajax.phpThat should read :
add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'shortcode_unautop'); add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'do_shortcode');
Hi cbdaillaire,
She short product description is like the excerpt of the post, in fact it is stored in exactly that field. Add this to your functions.php and see if it helps :
‘add_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘shortcode_unautop’);
add_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘do_shortcode’);’
I’m not sure what wp-favorites does, but for every product you can check a box [ ] Featured in the General Product Tab, and Woocommerce has a Featured Products Widget, so maybe this can accomplish what you want.I hope it helps
Or this in CSS:
div.thumbnails a { float: left; margin-right: 3.8%; margin-bottom: 3.8%; width: 30.75%;
Hope this helpt, grtz, Zjan