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  • Thread Starter zigmas


    That made it!
    Thank you very much, Steve!

    I think there was something weird happening inside the options in Facebook, as In the Business Integrations > WooCommerce Extension V2 the manage your bussines was already ativated. I deleted the current active one, and tried to do the connection again from my store, and ALAS! it worked! (I had to make sure to activate the manage store on the modal window)

    thanks again Steve.????

    Thread Starter zigmas


    Hello Steve!
    Ok, this time it went through the whole process on the Facebook side, then when trying to get back to the store it gave me the same something went the wrong screen, but with this error message:

    Please try again - Could not create On Behalf Of relationship -POST***************/managed_businesses?existing_client_business_id=195687251264682&access_token=EAAGvQJc4NAQBALTnZC8xFkPDFOs8McWUpdQbxk4y9zDNOSE8UZAZAOXhaEZAiwa8TjZBFZAD5TMOWZCzxWbRrhIQo1rFgUIMq5p2JbZCUPuVO9WC5VCnZAjKSJq9rpZBnETeiPLS1XyufwQJIdHZAKBn5tJbeu9qJlxVg1kZBr5rC35uoAZDZDresulted in a403 Forbiddenresponse: {"error":{"message":"(#200) Requires business_management permission to manage the object","type":"OAuthException","code":200,"fbtrace_id":"AmtdPycjjYZ7vlK_AQZvfh_"}}


    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by zigmas.
    Thread Starter zigmas


    Hi Steve!
    Thank you very much for your help,

    I tried your snipped (I had to reformat it because I think the forum messed up the one you posted, so please double-check that my changes to it are what you intended:
    add_filter( 'wc_facebook_connection_proxy_url', function() { return '';} );

    and when trying to make the connection the error Facebook gave me, just as I opened the Facebook page was:

    Blocked URL: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the OAuth settings of the application client. Make sure the Web client and OAuth session are enabled and add all of your application domains as valid OAuth URI redirects.

    Let me know if we are on the right track ??



    I’m having this same issue with the last update. I still don’t know with what plugin it’s having the conflict, or it’s just bugging with the ver of jquery.

    How can we solve this?

    Console Log



    Hi! I had the same problem and I managed to make a lot of workarounds using the shortcodes and… Sort of hack php methods.

    I’m no programmer, so everything I’m going to put here has been done for the sake of my projects. So if it breaks up the css or things on your page, I warned you ;).

    So, the first thing I did was to add in my theme header the mp3j_addscripts() function. You have to find the <?php wp_head(); ?>
    tag in it and just before that line put <?php mp3j_addscripts() ?>

    so you can add any mp3-jplayer shortcodes on your theme.

    Second, In your theme category.php check up where you want to put your list, and modify this code to make it fit your needs

    <div id="yourcssid">
        <h1 style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">Player</h1>
        <div class="mp3j-popout-MIO" onclick="return launch_mp3j_popout('',0);" style="visibility: visible;"></div>
        <div class="clear"></div>
        $args = array(
           'post_per_page' => 99, // An arbitrary number. Set high enough to be sure to get 5 posts with attachments
           'caller_get_posts' => 1, // Ignore stickies
           'category_name' => single_cat_title("", false),
        $myquery = new WP_Query($args);
        if ($myquery->have_posts()) {
           $postcount = 1;
           while ($myquery->have_posts()) {
              if ($postcount > 99) break;
              $attachment_args = array(
                 'post_type' => 'attachment',
    			 'post_mime_type' => 'audio',
                 'numberposts' => -1,
                 'post_status' => null,
                 'post_parent' => $post->ID
    		  if (!empty($mp3s));
              $attachments = get_posts($attachment_args);
              if ($attachments) {
                 foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { ?>
    				<center><object width='10%' id='single<?php echo $mp3->ID; ?>' name='single<?php echo $mp3->ID; ?>'>
                    	<?php $url= $attachment->guid; ?>
                        <?php $titl = $attachment->post_title; ?>
                      	<?php  $cont = $attachment->post_content; ?>
                    	<?php echo mp3j_put( '[mp3j track="'.$titl.'@'.$url.'" captions="'.$cont.'"]' ); ?>
                        <div class="subtitle" style="text-align: left; border-top: 2px dotted #AAA"><?php echo $cont = $attachment->post_content; ?></div>
                    <?php break;

    As you can see what I’m doing is getting a new WP query to extract all the audio from the current category, then using that selection to create a “For each” loop where I declare some variables to extract the data from the files as url, tittle and content then put the [mp3j track=] shortcode with the values I just extracted.

    If you want to use this for the Player with the playlist just use the same principle but using some variables to modify the resulting loop to one string.

    Here I do that but for my files in the current page (Index) with an “if” that makes a playlist with the FEED:LIB if it doesn’t find any file.

    <?php $mp3s = get_children( 'numberposts=-1&post_type=attachment&post_mime_type=audio&post_parent='.$post->ID );if (!empty($mp3s)) : ?>
    		<?php foreach($mp3s as $mp3): ?>
    			<?php $url= $mp3->guid; ?>
    			<?php $titl = $mp3->post_title; ?>
    			<?php  $cont = $mp3->post_content; ?>
          		<?php $fulurl .= $titl."@".$url.","; ?>
           		<?php $Capt .= $cont.";"?>
            <?php endforeach;?>
            	<?php echo mp3j_put( '[mp3-jplayer tracks="'.$fulurl.'" captions="'.$Capt.'" stop="n" list="y"]'); ?>
    		 <?php else: ?>
            	<?php echo mp3j_put( '[mp3-jplayer tracks="FEED:LIB" stop="n" list="y"]'); ?>
            <?php endif; ?>

    I’m sorry for my bad English and my messy code :/, I hope this help you to archive what you are trying to do.


    Btw! Many thanks Mr.Shanepetty!

    ?Did you tried the solutions of Shanepetty? This actually really neat… I haven’t tried with the simplemap, but I had a similar problem with other plugin, with the same Theme, there is when i figured it all came from the theme coding, so I started looking inside the code, and yeah, the java on a slider was messing with the code in the plugin. So, the [raw][/raw] Came really cool.


    I had an issue just the other day and Glenn responded. You should try this:

    You’re theme is doing wonky stuff with the shortcode API. Luckily they know this and have provided a work around. You currently have a simplemap shortocde that looks something like this: [simplemap] Try placing an opening and closing raw shortocde around what you have now like this (including the spaces)

    [raw] [simplemap] [/raw]

    Let me know if that doesn’t fix it.

    I’ve a dead line tomorrow so I dind’t go to deep in the plugin. I’m betting it has something to do with a compatibility issue.

    I used it once for this page:, and had the same problem, but I can manage to remmember how i solve it…

    Any way… I have to finish this page today, so I enden searching around and i found this one: Leaflet Maps Marker, that’s free also and it’s… Quite nice, actually. It only lacks the listing part that Simplemap have.

    I’ll take a look at the other page tomorrow, and see if I remmeber anything. ?? If i do, i’ll come back!

    Oh! Also, try deactivating all the other plugins on your page. And see if it works.


    Same problem here!

    Did you resolve it?

    Hi Kronald85!

    I’m making the same modifications for the plug-in (and even if you posted this 6 moths ago, and possibly you already found a solution or decided to change the plug-in.) I’ve found a way to change this. The only problem I’m having right now is that the searches on the newly added search form (like country…) can’t find correct results. Anyway!

    You have to modify the layout of the table on the options inside the file simplemap.php. The file is located on you plugins folder: …/plugins/simplemap/classes/simplemap.php

    There you’ll find this code, that tinkering with it you’ll found very useful things:

    $atts = array(
    				'search_title' 				=> __( 'Find Locations Near:', 'SimpleMap' ),
    				'sm_category' 				=> '',
    				'sm_tag' 					=> '',
    				'search_form_type'			=> 'table',
    				'search_form_cols'			=> 3,
    				'search_fields'				=> 'labelbr_street||labelbr_city||labelbr_state||labelbr_zip||empty||labelbr_country||labeltd_distance||empty||labeltd_sm-category||empty||labeltd_sm-tag||empty||labeltd_sm-day||empty||labeltd_sm-time||empty||submit||empty||empty',
    				'show_sm_category_filter' 	=> 1,
    				'show_sm_tag_filter'		=> 1,
    				'taxonomy_field_type'		=> 'checkboxes',
    				'hide_search' 				=> '',
    				'hide_map' 					=> 0,
    				'hide_list' 				=> 0,
    				'default_lat' 				=> 0,
    				'default_lng' 				=> 0,
    				'map_width' 				=> '',
    				'map_height' 				=> '',
    				'units' 					=> '',
    				'radius'					=> '',
    				'limit'						=> '',
    				'autoload'					=> '',
    				'zoom_level' 				=> '',
    				'map_type'					=> '',
    				'powered_by'				=> '',
    				// The following are deprecated. Don't use them.
    				'categories' 				=> null,
    				'tags' 						=> null,
    				'show_categories_filter' 	=> null,
    				'show_tags_filter' 			=> null 
    			return apply_filters( 'sm-default-shortcode-atts', $atts );
    		// This function filters category text labels
    		function backwards_compat_categories_text( $text ) {
    			return __( 'Categories', 'SimpleMap' );
    		// This function filters category text labels
    		function backwards_compat_tags_text( $text ) {
    			return __( 'Tags', 'SimpleMap' );

    In this part:

    'search_fields' => 'labelbr_street||labelbr_city||labelbr_state||labelbr_zip||empty||labelbr_country||labeltd_distance||empty||labeltd_sm-category||empty||labeltd_sm-tag||empty||labeltd_sm-day||empty||labeltd_sm-time||empty||submit||empty||empty',

    You can modify the table layout. And where it says 'search_form_cols' => 3, you can vary the number of columns in it.

    I don’t know if this is going to be useful for you, maybe for someone else. Anyway! I still have to find a way to make the labeltd_country finds me real answers.

    Hope it helps!


    I′m trying to do the same… I know that has something to do with the simplemap.php on …/plugins/simplemap/classes/ but i cant manage it to work. I also need to make a search TD for it…

    :/ is so basic yet so not there.

    ~Good luck with that. I had the same problem and they never answere me. :(~

    I’ve been trying to search for the same style, but haven’t achieved it yet even with this. It helped me a lot, but still I have a problem that the final 2 texts end on a second line.

    The css is pretty much like the one of Handeyman, and this is the website ~

    [CSS moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please just post a link to your site.]

    Thank you all very much in advance!

    ~Try erasing the mee news out from the server. Enter and see if it works… I can almost assure you it will. ??

    You are welcome.~

    ~?Do you have installed… The Mee news plugin? ?Or anything like that? Lately they are giving lots of problems with this guy.~

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