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  • Success!

    After updating from WP-reCAPTCHA 2.9.5 to version 2.9.6 the problem does not persist anymore!

    I wonder if it works for you too?

    Hmpf, :/ my and other comments on the developers page are not accessible anymore. I wonder why :/ I will try this plugin out another time, I hope I can find a solution somehow on my own ??

    I have a similar problem:

    Fatal error:
    Cannot redeclare gwolle_gb_formatguestbooklink()
    (previously declared in
    .../wp-content/plugins/gwolle-gb/frontend/gbLinkFormat.func.php:2) in
    .../wp-content/plugins/gwolle-gb/frontend/gbLinkFormat.func.php on line 23

    I also wrote a comment with this issue on the developers page. I wonder how to solve this?

    WP 2.7

    As WordPress has been updated to 2.7 and most of the plugins are disabled by default, you should first enable qtranslate.

    When you edit a page or a post, there is a notice, that your qtranslate is still not compatible to the current version of WordPress. You can ignore that, just use that, what WinAllPoker said:

    – download qtranslate_wphacks.php from your webserver
    (located within wp-content/plugins directory)
    – open this file
    – edit the following line
    – upload your modified file

    Your WordPress Editor should instantly work with qTranslate.

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