Thank you Rock for the hint !
But I can’t get it to work.
If I used this example :
if(get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘sp_nationality’, $single = true)) :
echo ”.get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘sp_nationality’, $single = true).”;
It returns me the content of the “sp_nationality” meta_value.
But when I need to retrieve a specific field of the sp_metrics, I don’t know which syntax to use, i’ve tested a lot of things but nothing worked ??
In my database I have :
meta_key : sp_metrics
meta_value : a:4:{s:6:”nickname”;s:6:”Pistolero”;s:6:”;s:6:”height”;s:5:”180cm”;s:6:”weight”;s:0:”80kg”;}
How to only display the nickname ?