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  • You can use a custom field and a little extra extra code arround the title.

    In the below example the custom field name is “hideTitle”, if set to “Yes” it writes in the class “.hideme”.


    //hide heading?
    $hideTitle = get_post_meta($post->ID, "hideTitle", $single = true);
    if($hideTitle !== 'Yes') {
    	the_title("<h1>", "</h1>");
    	} else{
    	the_title("<h1 class=\"hideme\">", "</h1>");


    	display: none;

    Have read that Google can detect if elements are hidden, but in my experience it indexes it as normal.

    I hate to say it in this scenario I think you really really need to get it to W3C validate first before trying to debug CSS – there appears to be several unclosed tags.

    PC browsers can be a litle more forgiving when rendering pages – mobile devices can rely much more heavily on the HTML being strictly correct.

    (that said I know nothing about safari on the iphone).

    haha you solved it just before I posted – both basically the same thing.

    Note my use of storing and restoring $wp_query and rewind_posts() – if you have any loop code that comes after this you may need to use it.

    Try this in your page template:

    if ($posts) : foreach ($posts as $post) : start_wp();
     //show page content
    <div class="post-content">
    	<?php the_content(__('<strong>Read more...</strong>')); ?>
    <?php endforeach; else: ?>
    <h1>Page not found - 404 error</h1>
    <?php endif; ?>
       //keep the original query
      $temp_query = $wp_query;  
      //get the list of posts only in categorty 5
     <?php if (have_posts()) : //loop through and display the posts  ?>
    	<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    		<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a><br />
    	<?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    //restore the original query (optional but will save you trouble later)
    $wp_query = $temp_query;

    Well I imagine that they are using category templates to show the top level nav as active.

    i.e. they’re aren’t using wp_list_categorys to generate the toplevel nav only the 2nd.

    The only solution I’ve found is by using inline styles.

    You can dynnamically write out a block of style code to match the “cat-item-1”, “cat-item-2”, “cat-item-3” classes that WordPress creates.

    foreach((get_the_category()) as $category) {
        echo '.cat-item-'.$category->cat_ID . '{border:1px solid red} ';
    } ?>

    It only works visually if you’re using a strict category system where each post is a member of a single category at each category heirarchy level. Otherwise it displays like you’re ‘active’ at several places.

    look at

    note the arguments depth and child_of

    <h1>Page 1 name</h1>
    <?php wp_list_pages('depth =>1, child_of => page1-ID-number, '); ?>
    <h1>Page 2 name</h1>
    <?php wp_list_pages('depth =>1, child_of => page2-ID-number, '); ?>

    You could make it a little bit more semi-automatic using a value to get page name and page ID but thats the basic idea.

    I can’t reproduce your problem (what version of IE?)

    from what you describe adding display:block

    .mainitems a {

    might fix it by forcing the sub ULs to turn over to a new line.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Pages


    your new subpage.php will most likely contain a line of code that inserts the common header items (navigation etc):

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    It pulls in the file header.php. Duplicate header.php calling it say header-2.php (or whatever).

    In subpage.php replace the get_header code above with the following:
    <?php include( TEMPLATEPATH . '/header-2.php' ); ?>

    Within header-2.php find the code that makes the sliding nav and remove it (trial and error is good).

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Pages


    hi not sure what your question is exactly..

    most important is to include at the very top of each new template you make is the code

    Template Name: Photo page template or whatever you want to call it

    The template name will then appear under the template drop down for you to select.

    Theres nothing magic in the file page.php that you need to use. The existence of a file called “page.php” means that every page (not posts)(unless you’ve selected another template for it to use) will use page.php to display itself. If its not there wordpress will use the file index.php to display the page.

    hope thats of some help



    switching themes has no affcect on the theme code

    switching themes doesnt alter your content, just how its displayed



    The process to start debugging any visual CSS issue is to make sure your HTML – that the CSS is styling – is correctly structured in the first place.

    The validator link esmi sent you shows there are issues with your HTML strcuture – most serious are the ones relating to not closing tags correctly. If they’re fixed your issue for IE might go away – if not it will at least get you to the point where you can then ask for CSS advice to fix the prob.

    I looked in IE6 and couldnt see a prob.

    Hope thats of some assistance



    All of your div elements inside “wrapper” are floated.

    This means that “wrapper” has nothing inside it to give it height.

    Add a redundant div after your “footer” div with the style of clear:both

    <div class="cleaner">&nbsp;</div>
    .cleaner{clear: both;}

    It clears the floats of the other objects and will force your wrapper to respect the heights of the other floated objects its contains.

    If you planning on the product section really growing over time posts may be a better option as pages dont allow the same taxonomy flexibility that wordpress does so well (though yes you can use custom fields on pages to similar effect).

    Each product could be a post, categorised as a “product”.

    Use as custom loop get_posts('category=1') (where 1 is the product category id) to build your initial drop down of product menu. Later if you’d rather display product categories rather than product names for the menu use wp_list_categories()

    You could then apply further sub-categories (and or tags) to these product posts to thread like products together (characteristics).

    Use the_category and the_tags to display the posts categories and tags on each products page.

    As pboosten suggests use custom fields for other things such as pricing for consistent presentation and logical storage of data.

    Thats the broad outline of how I might approach it – lots and lots of options to get lost in along the way. I guess the correct solution will also depend on how big the product section would grow. If you’ve got 2-10 products page/subpages should be fine, if you’ve got 200 I’d use posts.

    I see the Woo website promotes ‘Incredible Support’ so why not ask them to for their angle.


    both mattyza and my code would be placed in a javascript file (or within script tags) if you have the jQuery javascript library installed on your site also.

    the below is an improvement from the above as it doesnt affect absolute cross links to your own site.

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