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These are the messages:
“Running Post Meta Update (95.92% Complete) — We’re going through all the offloaded Media Library items and ensuring that only the local URL exists in EDD post meta. This will be done quietly in the background, processing a small batch of Media Library items every 2 minutes. There should be no noticeable impact on your server’s performance. Pause Update
Settings Locked Temporarily — You can’t change any of your settings until the “Metadata Update” has completed.”
Thanks to anybody who helps!
2) I have uninstalled and re-installed. I am using latest version of PHP and wordpress. I have credentials in config file. Everything on cloudgfront/AWS works fine – buckets, permissions, etc. So, I’m at a loss as to why on this site it doesn’t complete.
Here’s a link to a working store product from before the migration:
https://liquescencemedia.com/store/melismatiqks/music-scores-t-shirts-crumbs-agnus-dei/And here’s a link to the test image product page which is blown up:
If you look at the image code details, you’ll see that wordpress is using a different size, not the full size, for the product. I don’t know how to change this or why it’s happening. Hardcrop is set to “off” in woocommerce.
Thank you. I’ve read through that literature and have tried all the fixes listed. The problem seems to be that wordpress is using a thumbnail size for woocommerce product images, and these are being blown up. For example: I upload an image at 1000×1000. When I look at the details for the image, it says it’s using the image at 275×275. I don’t have any thumbnails of that size. This makes the “new” product images blurry and stretched out. It doesn’t affect the product images before the migration. I’ve tried to isolate the code that calling the image:
<img class=”attachment-shop_single size-shop_single wp-post-image” width=”275″ height=”275″ sizes=”(max-width: 275px) 100vw, 275px”>
The image ‘source’ for this in particular is:
src=”https://liquescencemedia.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Liquescence-Time-Travel-Mens-Ash-Grey-1-275×275.jpgOn the image details attachment page everything is fine, the resolution is high.
So I’m quite frustrated with this. Why is it calling a 275×275 from uploads when I’ve uploaded an image 1000×1000?
Any help with this fix is appreciated. I’ve reset and regenerated all to no avail.
Thank you for your answer. I changed the theme, disabled plugins except Woocommerce and the error message went away. However, all my images are blurry. I tired to regenerate thumbnails, but this doesn’t help. The product images are not saving the settings in Woo. Is there something else I can do? This was correct before. Is there some code I can insert into the functions.php file or another?
Really appreciate your help and I hope I can get this resolved.
Here’s the code at the line 525 (beginning at 520):
` do {
foreach ( (array) current($wp_filter[$tag]) as $the_ )
if ( !is_null($the_[‘function’]) )
call_user_func_array($the_[‘function’], array_slice($args, 0, (int) $the_[‘accepted_args’]));} while ( next($wp_filter[$tag]) !== false );