Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: JQuery confict?Sorry for that, just I found the solution, as I have different versions the best was to take jQuery from Google to avoind any conflicts: and it works.
Thank you for your support zemobility.eu is not working but not finish yet. If you have some idea to make the website better don’t hesitate.
This website is to help plug-in vehicle.Have a good day!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: JQuery confict?Voilà enfin la solution pour éviter les conflits entre les version jQuery, utiliser jQuery de google et ?a marche avec un simple code à rajouter en haut de function.php
function google_jquery() {
if (!is_admin()) {
wp_register_script(‘jquery’, ‘https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.2/jquery.min.js’, false, ‘1.5.2’);
add_action(‘init’, ‘google_jquery’);plus d’info ici:
https://wpchannel.com/obtenir-derniere-version-jquery-google-wordpress/Avec ?a plus de conflit entre les jQuery et tout vos plugin marcheront correctement!
Voir zemobility.eu
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: JQuery confict?Hello,
What does not work;
– Smooth slider when is installed, I can see the picture but the automatic slide to othe pictures do not work. (probably because of JQuery).
for information Vikispot that I use here https://zemobility.eu/ for automatic videos and news use JQuery but I want to keep it on my homepage.
– Tubepress that use here https://zemobility.eu/video don’t work properly, if you click on the videos links is not working. Someone told me that it is because of conflict between two different versions of JQuery.So I know the problem but I don’t know how to solve it. How to use different plug in with different Jquery or how to use all of them with one JQuery with wordpress Thesis theme?? Should I ass a code? What should I do?
Thank you for your support
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: JQuery confict?Thesis Theme is one of the most used theme for wordpress, also I try all the possible sliders and I they all have a conflict with jquery. So the only solution as also need some plugin such as vikyspot is to find a code to make it working together with different jquery. I am lost I need to know how. Thank you by the way
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: JQuery confict?I deleted Mingle and other plugin which using jQuery but it still doesn t work.I don’t know where I can find jqery. I pretty sure that I have two jquery in conflict but I don’t know which code should I add in my wordpress Thesis to made them work together.
I want also a smooth slider or other in the header of my page to show the last new with picure but jquery block everything. I am not good for code as you can see and I need pro such as you to help me.
My page
https://zemobility.eu/Thank you to take time for me I really appreciate. I am french and I live in NY if you are in this city.
Ok thank you by the way
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: JQuery confict?No answers?
Really no idea?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: JQuery confict?Thank you deppblevel and swansonphotos.
My problem is that I am not good for code. If you go here https://zemobility.eu/video and if you click on the video links they are not working, I think it is also because of Jquery. Then if I try to install any slider on my homepage such as smooth slider they appear on the homepage but they are not working, also I think it is because of Jquery.
I have a plugin call vikispot on my home page which is using jquery but I can not deleted because I need it on my home page.
So if somebody know how to fix this problem to use a smoothslider and tubepress video plugins on my wordpress Thesis it will be great because I did not find any answers. I need an expert.
Thank you all,
ps: if you have some comments on my website I will love to know it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: JQuery confict?Thank you domino but unfortunetly it doesn t work?? Is it possible to have two time jquerry? What should I do because I would also like to install a sldeshow but I need jquery too?
Thank you
No idea?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: JQuery confict?Hello deepblevel;
I delleted smoothslider. I try before other slider but they did not work also. I try to install other plugin but it change nothing.
Do you know where are located Jquery? is possible to see it with the code source?
Where do I find jquery?Thank you a lot to help me
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Thesis remove Title for homepageOk sorry you right: here the exact answer https://www.jimfmunro.com/tutorials/removing-thesis-page-titles-filters/
and it is working thanks you a lot
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Thesis remove Title for homepageThanks but it is not answering my question
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Smooth slider plugin not working, please help!????
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Widgets on Pages] Widgets not align ??Thank you todd it is working, now I must put my widget in the center and add some space between. If you can help me it is great but I do not want to ask more.
Thank you for your widget, I will promote it around as you was really nice with me.Thank you!