Forum Replies Created
Just to clarify, here’s the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LiceumNavigoPoznan/
Well now the strange thing happended, I see last post and newest post, but I can’t see the 2 posts in the middle. The oldest post is written by page itself, the two next (unvisible) posts are written by person A, a the newest (visible) post is written by person B.
Hi, I’ve extended the token. I remember doing this thing on the first feed too a year ago, so that should fix the problem with disappearing post(s).
Here’s the test page: https://navigoliceum.pl/fb-feed-test/ as you can see, there is still only one post.
I’ve done some research and the working feed token didn’t need facebook login. Facebook gives me notification “Your app has standard access to public_profile. To use Facebook Login, switch public_profile to advanced access. Get Advanced Access“. I don’t particulary want to do that.
The previous works just fine, without “java sdk login” and giving sites also.
Also, this first post is posted directly by my site. The two that I also should see, but I don’t, are posted as an user who have priviliges to post as my site. Can this be the problem? I mean, the post is still as Navigo Liceum Poznań, but facebook under published by: shows the name of my collegue. Post that is visible has clearly the site name.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by zel.
“I have two facebook feeds on my site. One was configured in 2022 and works just fine.”
This is the second one I have a probilem with. This one should now show 3 posts. It only shows one. It doesn’t matter if I change it to “newest” or “oldest” – it shill shows only this one post. And probably, this post will vanish in some time, like it did in your case – you haven’t even seen it.
BTW I’ve installed for tests another plugin, smash baloon facebook feed. On the preview, it shows me all the posts from this another feed, not just one. However, they are connecting feed through their own app. Just FYI.
Hi Oaurunima,
Well I’ve got that of course covered since the beginning. That’s not the case.
Also, after getting the credentials, I got that one post and it stays on site for some time and then vanishes. Like now, where I should have two feeds on my site and I have only one.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timeline Express] Plugin doesn't work after upgrading to WP 4.3Hello,
just wanted to report same bug – settings doesn’t save ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Image Slider With Lightbox] Full image in lightboxOh, found the solution ??
You need to edit jquery.lbox.min.js, and at line 82
find autoScale:true
replace with autoScale:falsemaybe you can add that as a feature in further releases? ??
thank you for your good work.
PS I know, that in premium version you can use normal wordpress media manager… But really, such standard in every plugin be as premium feature? I can bet, that some people won’t even install your plugin because of that inconvinence ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Image Slider With Lightbox] Full image in lightboxNo no,
I view my site on two resolutions:
1920×1080 and let’s say something about 1366×768
You can see the difference in size between two same documents. I’d like to always view images in their full width&height, not to resize them.I found some solution in the web, that you can change that in fancybox 1.3.4 settings – autoScale: false should do the trick, but I’ve changed that in default options of fancybox.js and image is still being resized.
Thats’s really sad information.
But when I check in database table – I can normally see as post content normal VC shortcodes. Along with the [s2if] shortcodes. It’s something about rendering the VC shortcodes?
Do you maybe now, would s2member and wpbakery staff cooperate in this matter?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form DB] Capture ajax formI think that option would be universal for all contact forms, which uses wp_mail() function to send emails from contact form.
So, to integrate Contact Form DB with any custom made contact form, simply find it action page or function, which the theme uses to send an email. Find something like this:
if (wp_mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers)) {}
That part checks, if wp_mail function arguments are correct and the mail is sent.
And add inside that if statement:
if (wp_mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers)) {
echo do_shortcode(‘[cfdb-save-form-post]’);
}Now the CFDB will correctly capture you form data!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form DB] Capture ajax formhttps://jsfiddle.net/9z8bdh2e/
Here’s the code… any hints? ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ZM Ajax Login & Register] Form doesn't seem to read $_POSTHey Zane, I’m glad you are working on it.
When you plan to add forgot password? When you do, I’m buying pro version ??well, I have one more question:
after adding:
add_action(‘zm_ajax_login_after_successfull_registration’, ‘send_email’);
My wordpress is sending confirmation email. Well problem is, I don’t know how to send typed in by user password. Do you think is there any safe way to pass password to my function, so it can send it with confirmation email?Yeah, but I’m basically dropping registeration by s2member, and I’m using another plugin to register
add_action(‘ANOTHER_PLUGIN_after_register’, ‘send_s2_member_welcome’);
this add_action would be more appropriate. So I’m looking for a function in s2member core, that will send a message to a new registered user.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ZM Ajax Login & Register] Form doesn't seem to read $_POSTWell, I’ve come with easier solution – just hid the dropdown, and add some java to handle that. Now everything works fine ?? But the hook will come in handy for sure!
Zane please tell me, are you thinking about implementing ‘lost password’? ??
I get rid of first/last name requirement by editing s2member/includes/classes/custom-reg-fields.inc.php
at lines 339, 351, 469, 486 i’ve simply deleted aria-required attribute. Now using css/js I can simply hide these two on register page.However, I know that modyfing core files isn’t a good practice – can someone please tell me how to overwrite this file somewhere out of s2member?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Video Lightbox] Problem with displaying lightbox on safariHi, yeah, but you would must to log-in with
login: vimeo_test
pass: vimeo
https://tinyurl.com/mtqexg7Just open in chrome, but on window size that will force lightbox to resize somewhere below 1280×720.