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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No Admin logon with the K2 ThemeOK
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No Admin logon with the K2 ThemeWow your server is slow still loading
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No Admin logon with the K2 ThemeDo you what to be able to access the admin panel from the homepage ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No Admin logon with the K2 Themewhilst your doing that I’ll install k2 on my test site
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No Admin logon with the K2 Themewhats your url, I’ll take a look to see what you mean for sure.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No Admin logon with the K2 Themedoes this work with any other theme ? if it does you may need to add the relevent code manually.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to embed videos?I would first use a standard video format, of a short video, for testing.
see if that helps – disable plug-in and use another checking to see if it uses the file types you are using.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multilevel Navigation Pluginor can anyone recommend a good navigation plugin ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Give Me Tips For Proper SEOGive me your email addy I’ll send you ebook on the subject, more help the writing a few posts
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Back to basicsHi crafty0000, I think we are at the same level here, I think I can help you though. As I have done the same thing remove the coding from the sidebar.php, to the relvent bits of code you want to remove.
its under apperance>editor
look for something like this, but before you do; don’t forget to have backups of the files you are editing.
<li id=”categories”>
<?php wp_list_categories(‘title_li=&show_count=0&hierarchical=1’) ?>
and again
<li id=”archives”>
<?php wp_get_archives(‘type=monthly’) ?>
By removing these will, take them out of the side bar.
A tip, save the code you have cut and paste it into a txt file just in case you need to call on them.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to stop parent pages from linkingThe intresting thing is, thats its doing what I am asking it to do list child pages of parent. But the drop down menu fuction is not working.
So am wondering what have I missed ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to stop parent pages from linkingMichaelH, can you give me any pointers as to why the drop down menu collaspes. When you lose focus on the main parent title ?
using your > wp_list_pages(‘child_of-8&title_li=Static Page 1 parent’);
suggestionI used it like this >><?php wp_list_pages(‘child_of-6&title_li=’);?> and its the same, give it a title and it does the above.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to stop parent pages from linkingI have been using the painter theme located here:
In the header.php this is the remark for the list_pages call
<?php wp_list_pages(‘depth=2&title_li=’); ?>Michaels recommendation of
wp_list_pages(‘child_of-8&title_li=Static Page 1 parent’);
wp_list_pages(‘child_of-15&title_li=Static Page 2 parent’);works but as mentioned above loses formatting(css, I presume, but can’t see why) and dropdown menu timings are too quick. Am puzzled as to why this changes has made such a behaviour change.
I am happy calling each parent if need be in the header.php, but would like some help and afew pointers if anybody can help.
I am learning PHP and only a beginner, as with wordpress. I kind of have my answer now its just making it work.
In hope
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to stop parent pages from linkingMichael I believe that this is the link for that plugin; have tried it, looks good but sadly doesn’t do what I want it to do.
I have tried your suggestion; works and does exactly what you said it would. I am at the moment reading up on the page
As I have modified the painter theme and wanting to remove the linking parents. My PHP knowledge isn’t that great and I am at the learning stage, so please forgive me.
Your suggestion works, but I find that the style is not applied and the drop down menu works too fast. I get the feeling that I have other areas to modifiy.
Any pointers ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to stop parent pages from linkingThanks; thats intresting I will have a look at both I will try the hard coding cheers for that MichalH.
But the plugin looks OH so very appealing just for an out of a box solution. Thankyou mangagrl251 – I will give that a blast.