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  • Thanks a lot, Donncha, I’m clear now.

    Thread Starter zamba


    I have a prototype blog on the same network that does not have a capital letter. It has a single Hello World post. The behaviour is similar to the Germany blog! Here are the two URLs:

    Oh dear, the mystery deepens…

    Thread Starter zamba


    I have removed the htaccess rules in the web root and switched to PHP but unfortunately nothing appears to have changed. It’s still a puzzle to me that the index pages are served from the super cache but the post pages are not, you would have thought if it was the cap letter both would have failed!
    I’m sure this was working a short time ago (at least on some posts), and I’m wracking my brains to think of what I changed, but failing miserably. If you’ve any more ideas, I’d sure like to avoid the awful prospect of trying another caching plugin!

    Thread Starter zamba


    Does the fact that I’m using mod_rewrite but the debug shows the index page as being “:Served page from supercache file using PHP” give any indication as to what is going wrong?

    Thread Starter zamba


    But Donncha, there’s a capital G in both pages, so why would the super cache file be served in one and not in the other? I do note that the super-cache files have a lower case germany in them (and all my other pages use capitalised countries).
    I’ve been striving to discover any differences between the two types of pages that would explain the failure to serve, but with my limited coding knowledge (I still struggle with the GET query effect on caching!) so far I’ve drawn a blank…

    Can you explain to me where this line was missing? That would be a big help. I have:

    function wp_cache_get_cookies_values() {
    	$string = '';
    	while ($key = key($_COOKIE)) {
    		if ( preg_match( "/^wp-postpass|^wordpress_|^comment_author_/", $key ) ) {
    			if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Cookie detected: $key", 5 );
    			$string .= $_COOKIE[ $key ] . ",";
    	// If you use this hook, make sure you update your .htaccess rules with the same conditions
    	$string = do_cacheaction( 'wp_cache_get_cookies_values', $string );
    	return $string;

    BTW, how do I debug wp-cache-phase1.php to a file? I see the uncomment to debug requirement but that’s my limit…nothing more shows in the debug file that is referenced on the debug tab.
    I get:

    10:24:28 /Germany/food/steckerlfisch-oktoberfest-food supercache dir: [PATH]/wp-content/cache/supercache/
    10:24:28 /Germany/food/steckerlfisch-oktoberfest-food No wp-cache file exists. Must generate a new one.
    10:24:29 /Germany/food/steckerlfisch-oktoberfest-food In WP Cache Phase 2
    10:24:29 /Germany/food/steckerlfisch-oktoberfest-food Setting up WordPress actions
    10:24:29 /Germany/food/steckerlfisch-oktoberfest-food Created output buffer
    10:24:29 /Germany/food/steckerlfisch-oktoberfest-food Output buffer callback
    10:24:29 /Germany/food/steckerlfisch-oktoberfest-food Anonymous user detected. Only creating Supercache file.
    10:24:29 /Germany/food/steckerlfisch-oktoberfest-food Writing non-gzipped buffer to supercache file.
    10:24:29 /Germany/food/steckerlfisch-oktoberfest-food Renamed temp supercache file to [PATH]/wp-content/cache/supercache/
    10:24:29 /Germany/food/steckerlfisch-oktoberfest-food Sending buffer to browser
    10:24:29 /Germany/food/steckerlfisch-oktoberfest-food wp_cache_shutdown_callback: collecting meta data.
    10:24:33 /Germany/files/2011/05/AJP_3072-300x204.jpg supercache dir: [PATH]/wp-content/cache/supercache/
    10:24:33 /Germany/files/2011/05/AJP_3072-300x204.jpg No wp-cache file exists. Must generate a new one.
    10:24:34 /Germany/files/2011/05/AJP_3070-300x204.jpg supercache dir: [PATH]/wp-content/cache/supercache/
    10:24:34 /Germany/files/2011/05/AJP_3070-300x204.jpg No wp-cache file exists. Must generate a new one.

    Thread Starter zamba


    Here’s an example url (but you could take any): : a blog index page showing

    <!-- Dynamic page generated in 1.370 seconds. -->
    <!-- Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on 2011-06-16 10:40:12 -->
    <!-- super cache --> : a post showing the changing time stamp

    <!-- Dynamic page generated in 0.968 seconds. -->
    <!-- Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on 2011-06-16 19:42:48 -->

    Sorry to jump in late here, but I didn’t understand the comment about an updated post refreshing the entire cache for a multisite network. I thought unless you had the “clear all cache files when a post or page is published” box checked, an update would simply renew the relevant page in the (preloaded) cache and no other?
    Currently I have a single domain network of blogs with a preloaded cache that does not regenerate completely when it is refreshed via the cron mechanism. The main blog’s posts are refreshed and I am informed of such, but it appears the sub-blogs are not. I thought the whole preloaded cache was refreshed when the main blog was refreshed via the preload page, but have I misunderstood and it is necessary to set the preload page up for each blog?



    I’m using Genesis/Lifestyle theme on muultisite. Permalinks are /%category%/%postname%. 24 network blogs in sub-directories of main blog. All fine until the 3.1 upgrade, when all category links went to respective blog home page. De-activated the active checkbox at the top of the Simple Tags settings page and all worked without further action.

    Thanks to all for the tip-off, I was a little concerned. As it was I had to go through all the blogs doing this as I had not network activated the Simple Tags plugin…pita!

    Tony Page

    Fred, has there been any progress on this switch_to_blog()/w3 total cache issue? I’ve been having problems with the STW plugin (which uses STB) and I’ve got W3TC installed on 24 network blogs (see
    this thread.

    Thread Starter zamba


    This might be the answer, but with reference to my use of an object cache.
    Note this thread:
    Permalink displays incorrect URL when using switch_to_blog and the wptrac bug with Object Caching here:
    I’m continuing to look at this.

    Thread Starter zamba


    I have a feeling this is more complicated than it looks. Turning off STW has removed the error messages, and the most obvious redirects, but I have still had a four instances when clicking on a link to a post from within a blog has resulted in a misdirection via substitution of another blog in the link. So I’m certainly not out of the woods yet.

    Currently, W3 Total Cache is still installed with the settings mentioned in the first post. There appears to be some anomalies in the files it is supposed to create in wp-content, i.e. it has not created a settings file for some blogs even though they have been individually activated.

    With the imminent release of WP 3.1 I will probably try removing W3TC completely and reinstall it from scratch. Currently I’m finding my pages take a long time to start rendering, and then load quite quickly.
    If the re-install works OK then I’ll re-activate the latest version of STW and see how I go.

    If anyone else has experienced similar site substitution problems recently, let me know! I can’t help but think it may have something to do with the plethora of .htaccess settings flying around…

    Thread Starter zamba


    We have just updated two posts and published a new one on different blogs. All went through normally without any error messages or blog switches. While clearly this is not conclusive, it does appear prima facie evidence that the SiteWideTags plugin had something to do with my problems.

    I see Ron has announced a new version of the plugin. I was using the development version downloaded on 6 Feb, has there been any changes since then?

    Thread Starter zamba


    I think that’s because I chose to let the server handle 404’s for static objects in WP3 total cache browser cache settings.

    More importantly, looking at my Google Analytics which gives more detail on 404 requests, I find that the main cause of error is a request from e.g. the Spain blog for a post on Dali which ended up as a request for the post but in the Bulgaria blog, where of course it did not exist. The problem appears to have its root in this arbitrary blog substitution, with the latter part of the request being correct.

    As an experiment, I have deactivated the SiteWidePlugin network wide and will see if that makes any difference. Otherwise it must be something to do with WP# total cache or APC.

    Thread Starter zamba


    After quite a bit of checking, I found nothing relevant to my problem in the error logs (see below).

    The problem of the error on updating is persisting (“You tried to edit a file which does not exist,” etc.

    Re switching: if I use the preview prior to updating a published post (in the network blog where it was first published), I am frequently getting the preview with the correct title and head, but the wrong post content. This content is from the post that is linked to as “prev” in the head. However, it is usually from a completely different blog.

    A similar behaviour has occurred today when publishing a post for the first time, I have been switched to a post listed as “prev” in the wordpress links in the header.

    In addition, on several occasions now I have been switched to the home page of a subsidiary blog when calling up the main domain home page in the browser (my browser home page is set to it). A refresh brings up the correct home page, but it’s a little worrying.

    Error logs after updating (error message in browser but blog updated):

    2011-02-09 01:24:59.418 [INFO] [] File not found [/xxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/404.shtml]
    2011-02-09 01:24:59.418 [INFO] [] File not found [/xxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/France_Helen_1331.jpg]
    2011-02-09 01:24:56.904 [INFO] [] File not found [/xxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/404.shtml]
    2011-02-09 01:24:53.056 [INFO] [] File not found [/xxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/404.shtml]
    2011-02-09 01:24:53.056 [INFO] [] File not found [/xxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/ajp_4340.jpg]
    2011-02-09 01:24:48.608 [INFO] [] File not found [/xxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/404.shtml]
    2011-02-09 01:24:48.608 [INFO] [] File not found [/xxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/navbar_inf.php]
    2011-02-09 01:24:17.690 [INFO] [] File not found [/xxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/404.shtml]
    2011-02-09 01:23:46.138 [INFO] [] File not found [/xxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/404.shtml]
    2011-02-09 01:22:59.679 [INFO] [] File not found [/xxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/404.shtml]
    2011-02-09 01:22:25.462 [INFO] [] File not found [/xxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/404.shtml]
    2011-02-09 01:22:25.462 [INFO] [] File not found [/xxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Eglise-Saint-Ephrem.jpg]
    2011-02-09 01:21:48.276 [INFO] [] File not found [/xxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/404.shtml]
    2011-02-09 01:21:31.008 [INFO] [] File not found [/xxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/404.shtml]
    2011-02-09 01:21:31.008 [INFO] [] File not found [/xxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/httptest_target.php]
    2011-02-09 01:21:30.929 [INFO] [] File not found [/xxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/404.shtml]

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