10 years, 11 months ago
When you view a page, in the dashboard, under the title there is a permalink option, check they are what you want.
Same way you set the post page, but above the post page dropdown there should be a front page dropdown.
Check the permalink setting on the actual page.
Have you set your home page?
You go to ‘settings >> permalinks’.
If you want posts in a sidebar, you need to set widgets. To do this go to. ‘Appearance >> widgets’.
In this menu, you can drag the posts widget into the sidebar section.
You probably haven’t set a post page, to do this, go to ‘appearance >> customise >> then chose static front page’. In the drop down, select your post page. This should work.
Try this…
Whereabouts on your website is an example of the problem?
What exactly happens, does it upload at all, is the button not there? Describe what happens when you try to upload the featured image.
I don’t think it has been hacked, all you need to do is contact someone who can give you access to this again.
I would advise you to go to this page, if this doesn’t help, try to contact ‘WordPress’ directly, or wait for another answer on here.
All I can suggest is you either upload a plugin, or check the sizes of the images you are trying to set.
Hope you get it fixed soon though!
Try installing this plugin, you can easily set, replace and remove featured images from posts. Click here for it.
Did you try deactivating the “Photon” option on Jetpack?
This may help you.