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  • @williamews
    This is how you can share the users table between the two sites so both sites changes will be synced automatically.

    check the chosen answer.

    Use this plugin for cookie sharing only, and the data will be automatically synced by sharing a single database as in the answer above.

    Thread Starter Ward


    Oh great, thank you.

    Can you tell me which other plugin are using with this one?
    You should leave this one unedited.

    Tell me what’s the name of the other plugin, and I’ll tell you what to do exactly.

    Thread Starter Ward



    Thread Starter Ward


    Thank you for the awesome plugin, hopefully when my startup is a little bit more successful we’ll make sure to donate.
    Keep up the good work.

    This is due to a conflict with another plugin that uses Facebook SDK.

    Thing is they discontinued support for chat using the sdk.js file and now you have to use xfbml.customerchat.js file instead.

    The xfbml.customerchat.js file is the exact same file as sdk.js + the code needed for chat.

    What is happening is when another plugin loads the older sdk.js, the conflict causes the new one not to load.

    I had a similar problem, all I had to do is to edit the plugin that was using sdk.js to use xfbml.customerchat.js instead so both the chat and the other plugin (in my case WP Save to Facebook) use the new file.

    Let me know if you need further explanation.

    Thread Starter Ward


    Checkout page.

    I wrote this a while back when I had this issue and found a solutions, it should still work:

    Hello there,
    This issue is a minor conflict with the way Buddypress core widget works. I’ll give an example with the Members Widget (Code located in BP-Members/Classes/class-bp-core-members-widget.php)
    The way this plugin works is that it adds an image to each member name, using a standard HTML code if that member is marked as verified.
    You cannot change the way the plugin works, as it’s the best possible way to display a verified tick.

    The problem with the BP Members widget is that is uses “user name” as a tool tip for the image of the users displayed in the widget.
    So what happens is we have <img src="memberimgurl" title="$username">
    What happens is without the verified plugin $Username = John Doe
    Afer the plugin $Username = <img src="verifiedtick.png"> John Doe, which causes the tag to close earlier than it needs to be.

    Remove the tooltip from the images in the widget as follows:
    For example Members Widget:
    Go to line:129
    <a href="<?php bp_member_permalink() ?>" class="bp-tooltip" data-bp-tooltip="<?php bp_member_name(); ?>"><?php bp_member_avatar(); ?></a>

    And replace it with:
    <a href="<?php bp_member_permalink() ?>"><?php bp_member_avatar(); ?></a>

    What I did was simply remove the tooltip to avoid the problem.

    One problem with this solution is that if you update BuddyPress you need to re-edit the code.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Ward.
    Thread Starter Ward


    Thank you for your response.

    This is the other error that pops up related to jQuery:

    TypeError: jQuery(...).contents(...)[1].data is undefined[Learn More] ppcc_checkout.js:44:59
    TypeError: jQuery(...).contents(...)[1].data is undefined[Learn More] ppcc_checkout.js:44:59

    ppcc_checkout.js file is a file required by PayPal Currency Convertor Basic Plugin

    The content of that file is as follows:

    Place this, or a subset of it, inside PayPal Payment description:
    Cart Total: <span class="ppcc_cart_total" /><br>
    Shipping Total: <span class="ppcc_shipping_total" /><br>
    Order Total Tax: <span class="ppcc_tax_total" /><br>
    Order Total inclusive Tax: <span class="ppcc_total_order_inc_tax" /><br>
    Conversion Rate: <span class="ppcc_cr" />
    	jQuery(document.body).on('change', 'input[name="payment_method"]', function() {
    jQuery( document ).ajaxComplete(function(){  
    	var myRegexp = /\ (\D\D\D)\//g;
    	var match = myRegexp.exec(;
    	// This Values come initially by the session
    	// This three values are not given on the checkout page, so can't be recalculated.
    	// jQuery('.ppcc_cart_tax').html(php_data.cart_tax);
    	// jQuery('.ppcc_shipping_tax_total').html(php_data.shipping_tax_total);
    	// jQuery('.ppcc_total_order_exc_tax').html(php_data.total_order_exc_tax);
    	// The following code retrieves and recalculates the changes made in the checkout preview:
    	if(jQuery("tr.shipping td span").length){
    		var ppcc_shipping_total = jQuery("tr.shipping td span").contents()[1].data.replace(".", "").replace(",", ".") * php_data.crval;
    		jQuery('.ppcc_shipping_total').html(ppcc_shipping_total.toFixed(2) + ' ' + match[1]);
    	if(jQuery(" td span").length){
    		var tax_rate = jQuery(" td span").contents()[1].data.replace(".", "").replace(",", ".") * php_data.crval;
    		jQuery('.ppcc_tax_total').html(tax_rate.toFixed(2) + ' ' + match[1]);
    	if(jQuery("tr.order-total td span").length){
    		var order_total = jQuery("tr.order-total td span").contents()[1].data.replace(".", "").replace(",", ".") * php_data.crval;
    		jQuery('.ppcc_total_order_inc_tax').html(order_total.toFixed(2) + ' ' + match[1]);
    	// unfortunately WooCommerc does not provide a filter to retrieve the preview values only. It uses its own wc-ajax mode to fetch the complete html code for the checkout preview.

    However, even disabling the said plugin the error still presists.

    I even tried the default wordpress theme with no luck.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Ward.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Ward.

    You need to make sure you whitelisted your domains from messenger settings in your page in facebook.

    Looking at the console message in my website, it appears Facebook changed the SDK on January 8th but didn’t update its code to reflect.

    #  The CustomerChat plugin is no longer part of the main Facebook SDK.
    #  To continue using it please use the correct SDK URL,
    #  meaning replace sdk.js with sdk/xfbml.customerchat.js.
    #  For more details see

    So I fixed mine by doing the following:
    Replace the sdk in the file facebook-messenger-customer-chat.php
    Lines 22 and 23 the original code with the following replace the following:

      const URL_PREFIX = '';
      const URL_SUFFIX = '/xfbml.customerchat.js';

    make sure to flush all your cache (cloudflare and any wp caching plugins). I found this, works perfectly.
    @lovechard @rtandoh

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Ward.

    It’s a conflict with another plugin that does redirects, try disabling all plugins and enabling it first, then enable others one by one until you find the plugin that is conflicting.

    @buddyboss Thank you for the prompt response!

    @magland this works perfectly, thank you!

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