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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Ultra Simple Paypal Shopping Cart] thumbnails in my cartthanks for your answer.
I had no answer of you, so I changed my plug and i use sunshine today.see you soon
problem solve ! thanks
yes, i found it ! i missed create “product categories” !
now all is done !thank you for having me informed
now i’m very interested by your lightbox ^^
no. I don’t create cause i can’t see the connexion between my pictures and products. is there any tutorials for this configuration ? how i can create connexion between us
thanks for your answer
I sent a message to you from your website. I hope we’ll find solution before add add-on ??
stay in touchhi
thanks for your answer. i found the problem, if i don’t write something in enjoyinstagram_grid_hidebarsdelay, your extension fail (maybe only in my website but it is)incidentally i found this solution and my problem is solve.
the lightBox never work… But !
if i create one Polaroid mode and before i create a grid view in my page (lightBox of grid doesn’t work) the lightbox of polaroid work !!!! but if polaroid is alone, it doesn’t work !!!
Please help meForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Enjoy Social Feed plugin for WordPress website] install premium versionproblem is solve. thanks to delete this thread
hi my lightbox doesn’t work too. when i clicking on a image (lightbox effect) the image open in instagram view with any option (next back) and the back ground is white.
test page : https://www.bluegriot.net/?page_id=244
when i clicking on an image : https://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/10817984_1598715337023214_148277493_n.jpgouaou ?a fait plaisir un soutien comme ?a !!!
ho my god !
Hi everybody,
anyone for help me ? i try to find any solution but it does’t work ??
Very Helpful, but i’ve got a crash when the result is empty (multiple selection). my page load isn’t complete.I can see that is Query Multiple Taxonomies who bugg.Any idea ?
Thanks for yours answers