Thank you. I successfully recover my site above!
My another site does not have that luck.
I do exact same things as the instructions.
It will show as below.
The site url is https://shuitou.encounteredgroup.com/petite-room/
Do I need to downgrade to another version? Seems 3.3.9 is not working on this one.
Warning: unserialize() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home3/encounw5/public_html/shuitou/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-responsive-image-slider/ultimate-responsive-image-slider-short-code.php on line 19
Warning: base64_decode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home3/encounw5/public_html/shuitou/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-responsive-image-slider/uris-layout.php on line 16