Forum Replies Created
ok thx (y)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Custom 404 Error Page] 404-2 slugsry, my fault ??
it′s is working.
only if the page is displayed directly the 404-2 is usedthx
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Store Locator] map with borlaps blocker not workingupdated borlabs, no it′s working
sry ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Recent Posts Widget Extended] html tags in post titlethx
@fpuccinelli8 i can′t use your solution.
I need it in the title.@idenovasi can you add a filter on the title so esc_attr can by optional
in /includes/functions.php line 166?thx
ah great ??
thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Price Based on Country for WooCommerce] Hide message in backendthis doesn′t work.
there is no js error in the consoleForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Relevanssi - A Better Search] exclude custom post typesyes this did it. the cpts (included by shortcodes) aren′t listed anymore.
now i′ve got the problem what a lot of content isn′t indexed because the shortcodes aren′t resolved. i′m using wpbackey.
can this be solved somehow ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Relevanssi - A Better Search] exclude custom post typesyes, i have rebuild the index. still the cpt′s are dispayed, even if not checked and “exclude form search” in their init. i also checked the caching plugin so i dont get an old result.
i′ve i don′t you relevanssi the cpt′s aren′t shown, with the plugin they are in the results.
the cpt′s dont have a detailpage, they are just looped inside a shortcode.
any other ideas i can check ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Relevanssi - A Better Search] exclude custom post typesthx for your reply.
this is the setting:
this is the search link: result “Japan, Hongkong, Taiwan, China” should not be displayed (cpt: auslandsvertretungen).
Then i deactivate relevanssi “Japan, Hongkong, Taiwan, China” isnt shown in the result.yes, the appear in the admin serach.
this cpt auslandsvertretungen is loop and displayed by a shortcode in a “normal” page. so i thought if i search for hongkong the page should be listet.
thx for feedback
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] scripts not combining in footergreate ??
add_filter( ‘run_ngg_resource_manager’, ‘__return_false’ );
did the job (y)thank you!