Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wetterwarner] Widget aktualisiert keine Meldungen nach ReloadAktuell stimmt irgendwas mit dem Wetterwarner nicht mehr, seit dem letzten Update Anfang Januar ist mir alle 2-3 Tage die komplette Website gecrashed, 504 Timeout auch beim Backend. Ist aber bereits per Mail gemeldet. Vermutlich ist Tim noch im Winterurlaub ??
PS: Auf seiner eigenen Demo-Seite und auch vielen anderen gibts die selbe Meldung wie bei dir- This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Jan.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wetterwarner] FehlerBei mir ebenfalls, im Widget kommt:
Entschuldigung, leider ist etwas schief gelaufen. Cache Fehler:
Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificatesUnd im Backend fehlen die Einstellungen zum Cache und Debug.
Bericht hab ich per Mail gesendet.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Regenerate Thumbnails] Image size much larger after regeneratingHi,
thanks a lot! I tried step 3 (i selected the checkboxes for the new thumbnails sizes so they will be optimized by TinyPNG) and 4 (Exclude thumbnail backup in backwpup). I think step 2 was made while regenerating thumbnails with option “delete old unregistered sizes”. Step 1 didn’t succeed, but thats okay. So now my backup is much smaller than before.
Nice support!
Hi @anthoniusalfred,
maybe i have the same problem: I only want to receive core update notifications and no e-mails for plugin updates. My notification settings are: Core update notifications on, plugin update notifications off. I have that problem at about five websites.Greetings,
Jan@cnotin: Are you sure your settings are correct, because you’ve written that both settings are set to on?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Grid Shortcodes] Translation not possibleHi, thanks for replying. I wanted to translate the few english words in the editor and the translation page says that you have to configure somthing to make it possible. But if its too small, it’s okay.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Telegram Bot & Channel] Create custom /startHi, at mine you can edit the start messages for users and grous at telegram -> settings. Hope you’ll find it.
Hi, similar problem here: There’s a one year old thread named “Font-Awesome always loaded” where your font awesome source overrides the source of another plugin or theme and so FA is always loaded. That’s my problem too. I uncommented the register of font-aweseome in class-wpel-register-scripts.php:40 and solved this problem.
This does not match this topic here but it could be a hint for changing the FA code.
Thanks, jan