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  • go get a Category Post plug-in under “Extend” (just search for “list posts by category”). You’ll find one that will work for your needs.

    p.s. Still have this problem but now every new 2.5.1 site I create has the issue. I only have one past install that doesn’t have this problem in IE. I’ve replaced (removed old files first and then FTPd new files) both a brand new download of 2.5.1 and then again (when that didn’t fix the problem) repeated with the files downloaded from the one working copy. Yes, I’ve also cleared the browser cache, the wp-content cache, closed and rebooted in between each update.
    Some installs were Fantastico and some manual upload running install.php, some were 2.5 installs upgraded (some by Fantastic, some by Auto Updater plugin), either way, I still get this problem where Insert into Post does not place the object/link where the cursor was in the editor.
    Still looking for input, even if anyone lists things they tried that did not work.

    my apologies for the delay. silly me thought wordpress forum would actually notify me of replies…

    Yes, I noticed the problem after a move, and haven’t had the problem since I started using the how-to-move instructions for any websites I set up. But perhaps it is a different problem for you, if you hanve’t changed URLs or subdirectories for you install.

    Same problem as discussed on thread below, and sadly after more than a month, no ideas presented yet:

    I have this problem with any embedded object– PDF link, image, etc. It won’t go where I had the cursor in the editor, it only pops it in at the first character (top left) of the editor and then I have to move the link or image to the correct position (unacceptable for client use).
    It doesn’t happen on all my 2.5.1 sites but I can’t tell what is different about this particular install (already reinstalled to confirm all files are in place). Anyone come up with any ideas, pass it on…

    If you still need it, I used to have this problem when moving from temporary url to live url.
    Try following these instructions to update uploads in the database:

    Sorry, came across this looking for something else and seems like the answers overcomplicate the process (for version 2.1 and up).
    To have a static front page and retain your seperate recent posts/blog page, you:
    A) Create your home page under Write>Pages
    B) Create a seperate (blank) Page(again, Write>Pages) called “Blog” or “Recent Posts” or whatever you want the link text to be in your navigation. You can type nothing or anything you want in the body (I usually type “this is a placeholder”.) as this text is never displayed — it is replaced with the blog entries instead.
    C) Go to Options > Reading.
    D) Select “Front Page Displays a Static Page”
    E) Define Front Page as whatever page title you gave your home page in step A.
    F) Define Posts Page as whatever page title you gave your blog “page” in step B. No need to create a special template- whenever someone navigates to this “page” they get the X most recent posts as defined on the bottom half of Options>Reading.

    Why do you say this has been fixed? I see no solutions posted on the multiple threads regarding this issue except to install FCKeditor or “use Firefox”.
    If you have a fix, by all means, do tell.



    I have this same problem in IE6 and IE7– using the image tool on the TinyMCE editor to align an inserted image changes the image size to 1×1 pixel and enters the img src tag into the code twice. This only happens in my 2.3 and up WordPress installs. Anyone have a fix? should I revert TinyMCE code to 2.2.2 version until a permanent fix is found– this is a big problem for my authors.

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