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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP FAQ Schema Markup for SEO] MultiLanguages seem doesn′t workCAn you provide solution and tell me something for multilanguages, i think your plugin is the best for perfect seo but need tips for differents languages, please.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP FAQ Schema Markup for SEO] MultiLanguages seem doesn′t work1.5 version support multilanguages ??? can you answer please.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rate My Post - Star Rating Plugin by FeedbackWP] Spanish (Spain) translationHola,
En la parte publica, con WPML, no se puede traducir esta frase
Promedio de puntuación xxx Recuento de votos xxxx
No pilla las traducciones en otros idiomas y dejar esta frase, sin poder cambiarla en espa?ol con otros termimos, ni en otros idiomas con EN, FR.
Las demás frases sin problema, es como si, esta en concreto estuviera : Bloqueada y no figura en los strings. En ajsutes he puesto la opción “Modo de compatibilidad para webs multilingües ”
In the public part, with WPML, this sentence cannot be translated
Promedio de puntuación xxx Recuento de votos xxxx (it′s keeping ion spanish)
Do not catch the translations in other languages and leave this sentence, without being able to change it in Spanish with other terms, or in other languages with EN, FR.
The other phrases without problem, it is as if, this one in particular was : Blocked and does not appear in the strings. In ajsutes I have put the option “Compatibility mode for multilingual websites”.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by yfchild.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Breadcrumb NavXT] version 6.4Can tell me something?? I′m desesperate with that, i paste you url example:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Breadcrumb NavXT] version 6.4Hi John
Nothing change, sorry, I have the same error in google console in 126 pages. It’s the same. I put your code & i try to resolve myself more. The same error “miss itemlist element”
What can i do ?? Try?? TXForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Breadcrumb NavXT] version 6.4Hi John,
Thanks. But I try but no results. can you paste here in your future answer the perfect html you comment and clarify yourself how we can solve this and sure it′s correct.
I′m so desesperate with that o search console and error Missing field “item” and Missing field “id”
Home Template: ?
Home Template (Unlinked) : ?
note: search console continue put this error in all pages and must be important because all pages down en general when begun this error search console.
Big thanks, hope not disturb you with that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Translate Multilingual sites - TranslatePress] ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTSIn languages settting, choose option the first option + choose again your preferences urls and save again.
Do the same with permament link (save again)
Delete cache.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Breadcrumb NavXT] Unnamed item in Google Search ConsoleDo you find the solution for that? Since 1 month i have the same problem. And i′m confuse with all teh threads and i ask to autor in another thread but doesn′t answer me yet. tx
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Breadcrumb NavXT] Missing field “id” in Breadcrumbs on Google Search ConsoleJohn can you help me ? If you want I can try what you mean. If always miss itemslistelements, thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Breadcrumb NavXT] Missing field “id” in Breadcrumbs on Google Search ConsoleI did it. But always miss field “itemListElement”, is annoying because seem console reject sometimes the urls. I try a lot of things but nothing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Breadcrumb NavXT] Missing field “id” in Breadcrumbs on Google Search ConsoleSorry but i read all but i don′t undersdand the “real and working” soluce for that.(i try some of this threads but nothing… google don′t understand the breadcrumbs = miss always ‘itemListElement’)
Someone can explain and paste the real solution and explain where paste it exactly.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by yfchild.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shortcode Table of Contents] Seem doesn t work nowsomeone have same problem with shortocodes ultimate ??
ALL post doesn′t work now
[spoiler title=”Table du Contenu” icon=”chevron”][toc content=”.divclassxxxxx”]
the content is now empty.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multiple Featured Images] Alt + Title with fieldsUdpate for anyone need it with customs field :
in your file content:<?php kd_mfi_the_featured_image ('featured-image-XXXXXXX', 'full');?>
in your function.php
function add_img_title( $attr, $attachment = null ) { $img_title = trim( strip_tags( $attachment->post_title ) ); $attr['title'] = get_post_field ('title_item'); $attr['alt'] = get_post_field ('alt_img_item'); return $attr; } add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_image_attributes','add_img_title', 10, 2 );