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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Link Library] RSS display
    Thread Starter yezzz


    One more request. I found that when updating a feed all the content that was there is removed, even if it is within the “Max number of days since published” and the “Number of RSS articles shown in Link Library Output” criteria. Is it possible to keep the content, and purge articles when they are too old and/or too many articles are stored.

    Thread Starter yezzz


    Hope you found anything.

    I also just recall that saving the stylesheet has an issue that may or may not be related: it prepends the css content with 3 tabs. Happens on all browsers.

    You’re welcome.

    Re the css option I may be confused with another plugin, as I thought there was an option to turn it off, but can’t find it. You could still clear the stylesheet.

    Perhaps plugin author can chime in…

    I think the fonts look ok at around 125-130% < 768px

    Sorry missed that. Anyway, this looks fine… 640px is probably too narrow. Many devs would use 768px as a breakpoint, and also increase font-size below that width.

    Yeah that’s it. Like the raamdev setup. You could consider using a breakpoint to set the columns to full width. Or 50%, but then you’d need to split up the middle column, or use css columns.


    you want me to use shortcodes like [link-library settings=2] instead of [ link-library-cats ]

    Yes, I think that’s what you are already doing. Or am I wrong?

    Also how do I create these shortcodes like [link-library settings=2]?

    In link library general options set number of libraries to 3. Then in the library settings these will become available. Goto library 2 and copy FROM library 1 to transfer settings. Repeat for library 3. Then for each library set up the categories to show.

    How do I decide which category will go under which settings.

    I’d say alphabetical order and try to distribute the cats equally.

    Is there no way to automatically arrange the categories in the 3 column design based on window width?

    Keep your current structure and use css columns as in my first answer. Then you can simply use 1 library like you have now, but I think you cannot control how the elements wrap.

    If I explicitly which category will be under which side, it might look on on my screen, but it would look very odd on bigger screen like smart TVs or small devices like smartphones.

    Use media queries to set the width of .LinkLibraryCat. You can also float them, lower css columns, etc.

    For the more advanced positioning you’d probably need a masonry plugin or something like isotope.

    No, I’m only saying that the “number of columns” in category settings apply to the rendering of that shortcode.

    Don’t put the divs in the plugin output, put the plugin output in the divs. If you had compared the raamdev page with your own you would have seen a setup like this was used:

    <div style="width: 30%; float: left;">
    [link-library settings=2]
    <div style="width: 30%; padding-left:20px; float: left;">
    [link-library settings=3]
    <div style="width: 30%; padding-left:20px; float: left;">
    [link-library settings=1]

    So, put that in your page, then setup each library to display only a couple of categories. I think you can use “categories to be displayed” in the common tab.

    Looks like you only show categories with the results (linklist), not showing categories with [ link-library-cats ] shortcode.

    You could use css columns:

    .linklist {
         -webkit-column-count: 3; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
         -moz-column-count: 3; /* Firefox */
         column-count: 3;

    Alternatively you could set the divs to 33% wide and float left. Or do what the raamdev site does (3 divs each with a seperate library).

    your image is to small

    Are you on a mobile browser?

    Well, I’m not in a rush, but I’ll contact you in the near future about my project.

    I see another plugin (for elasticsearch) having a results scoring mechanism. Could be useful.

    It also has an API for building custom search queries. That would really make wpsolr (successor) a universal plugin.

    As already requested: templating system. I’d want to able to get any custom fields, process and render them via php template.

    Thread Starter yezzz


    Anyway, thanks for your time. Let me know about wpsolr successor.

    Thread Starter yezzz


    Yeah, but I did restart solr several times in the last couple of days and on at least 1 occasion did a reindex afterwards. So I figured that couldn’t be it.

    I did notice though that when I open shell via xampp, start solr, then if I close that shell screen then solr is also gone. Like terminated. Could this improper shutdown be a reason it did not properly reload the index?

    Thread Starter yezzz


    Don’t know what happened, but I’m seeing some progress here.

    I updated to wpsolr 10.1 and saw that all texts inside p_content were rendering as “…” instead of the real content.

    Seeing the reviews I went back to some older wpsolr versions (6.6, 7.0, 7.7) by overwriting the plugin files. I also did some reindexing via wpsolr.

    I also restarted solr once, and changed luceneMatchVersion to 5.5.0 but seeing no difference I changed it back to 5.0.0. That’s the only thing I ever changed to the xml file.

    As older versions of wpsolr were not working properly I updated again to 10.1. Just now I saw the solr query json changed and the title started appearing, The dates were still 1/1/1970 but the php strtotime() warning did not appear. I didn’t check the autosuggest.

    Restarted solr once more and reindexed again via wpsolr and now the dates show and the autosuggest works.

    So, I’m really curious what flicked the switch. As I did restart/reindex solr several times it would seem that there’s still a bug in wpsolr, like maybe it doesn’t send the correct command to solr for reindex?

    I’ll do some more testing with various wpsolr settings.

    EDIT: before this, the sort by newest was very slow. This is also working fast now.

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