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  • Thread Starter ycon


    Where can I check for 404 errors? I’m only getting speed info.

    I just deleted my entire site, including tables in myPHP.

    With no plugins or pages installed- the problem replicated.

    So is it something to do with my host?

    Thread Starter ycon


    Content of the cells.

    I just created a new table using HTML & CSS. I used an online table generator. Even though I set it to align to the left, it still centers it.

    So it seems like it is a site-wide centering issue of all tables

    Thread Starter ycon


    Removed this by going to my theme/functions/general_functions.php and removing all of this:

     * Adds Next/Previous post navigations to single posts
    function mk_post_nav($same_category = true, $taxonomy = 'category')
      global $mk_options;
      if(is_singular('portfolio') && $mk_options['portfolio_next_prev'] != 'true') return false;
      if(is_singular('post') && $mk_options['blog_prev_next'] != 'true') return false;
          $options = array();
          $options['same_category'] = $same_category;
          $options['excluded_terms'] = '';
          $options['type'] = get_post_type();
          $options['taxonomy'] = $taxonomy;
          if(!is_singular() || is_post_type_hierarchical($options['type']))
                $options['is_hierarchical'] = true;
          if($options['type'] === 'topic' || $options['type'] === 'reply')
                $options['is_bbpress'] = true;
        $options = apply_filters('mk_post_nav_settings', $options);
        if(!empty($options['is_bbpress']) || !empty($options['is_hierarchical']))
          $entries['prev'] = get_previous_post($options['same_category'], $options['excluded_terms'], $options['taxonomy']);
          $entries['next'] = get_next_post($options['same_category'], $options['excluded_terms'], $options['taxonomy']);
          $entries = apply_filters('mk_post_nav_entries', $entries, $options);
          $output = "";
          foreach ($entries as $key => $entry)
            if(empty($entry)) continue;
            $post_type =  get_post_type($entry->ID);
            $icon   = $post_image = "";
            $link  = get_permalink($entry->ID);
            $image = get_the_post_thumbnail($entry->ID, 'thumbnail');
            $class = $image ? "with-image" : "without-image";
            $icon = ($key == 'prev') ? '<i class="mk-icon-long-arrow-left"></i>' : '<i class="mk-icon-long-arrow-right"></i>';
            $output .= '<a class="mk-post-nav mk-post-'.$key.' '.$class.'" href="'.$link.'">';
              $output .= '<span class="pagnav-wrapper">';
              $output .= '<span class="pagenav-top">';
              $icon = '<span class="mk-pavnav-icon">'.$icon.'</span>';
              if($image) {
                $post_image = '<span class="pagenav-image">'.$image.'</span>';
            $output .= $key == 'next' ?  $icon.$post_image : $post_image.$icon;
            $output .= "</span>";
            $output .= '<div class="nav-info-container">';
            $output .= '<span class="pagenav-bottom">';
            $output .= '<span class="pagenav-title">'.get_the_title($entry->ID).'</span>';
             if($post_type == 'post') {
                 //$output .= '<span class="pagenav-category">'.get_the_category_list( ', ', 'single', $entry->ID ).'</span>';
                 } elseif ($post_type == 'portfolio') {
                    $terms = get_the_terms($entry->ID, 'portfolio_category');
                    $terms_slug = array();
                    $terms_name = array();
                    if (is_array($terms)) {
                      foreach($terms as $term) {
                        $terms_name[] = $term->name;
                  $output .= '<span class="pagenav-category">'.implode(', ', $terms_name).'</span>';
                   } elseif ($post_type == 'product') {
                    $terms = get_the_terms($entry->ID, 'product_cat');
                    $terms_slug = array();
                    $terms_name = array();
                    if (is_array($terms)) {
                      foreach($terms as $term) {
                        $terms_name[] = $term->name;
                  $output .= '<span class="pagenav-category">'.implode(', ', $terms_name).'</span>';
                   } elseif($post_type == 'news'){
                    $terms = get_the_terms($entry->ID, 'news_category');
                    $terms_slug = array();
                    $terms_name = array();
                    if (is_array($terms)) {
                      foreach($terms as $term) {
                        $terms_name[] = $term->name;
                    $output .= '<span class="pagenav-category">'.implode(', ', $terms_name).'</span>';
             $output .= "</span>";
              $output .= "</div>";
            $output .= "</span>";
              $output .= "</a>";
          echo $output;
    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'mk_post_nav' );
    function mk_get_fontfamily( $element_name, $id, $font_family, $font_type ) {
        $output = '';
        if ( $font_type == 'google' ) {
            if ( !function_exists( "my_strstr" ) ) {
                function my_strstr( $haystack, $needle, $before_needle = false ) {
                    if ( !$before_needle ) return strstr( $haystack, $needle );
                    else return substr( $haystack, 0, strpos( $haystack, $needle ) );
            wp_enqueue_style( $font_family, '//' .$font_family.':300italic,400italic,600italic,700italic,800italic,400,300,800,700,600' , false, false, 'all' );
            $format_name = strpos( $font_family, ':' );
            if ( $format_name !== false ) {
                $google_font =  my_strstr( str_replace( '+', ' ', $font_family ), ':', true );
            } else {
                $google_font = str_replace( '+', ' ', $font_family );
            $output .= '<style>'.$element_name.$id.' {font-family: "'.$google_font.'"}</style>';
        } else if ( $font_type == 'fontface' ) {
                $stylesheet = FONTFACE_DIR.'/fontface_stylesheet.css';
                $font_dir = FONTFACE_URI;
                if ( file_exists( $stylesheet ) ) {
                    $file_content = file_get_contents( $stylesheet );
                    if ( preg_match( "/@font-face\s*{[^}]*?font-family\s*:\s*('|\")$font_family\\1.*?}/is", $file_content, $match ) ) {
                        $fontface_style = preg_replace( "/url\s*\(\s*['|\"]\s*/is", "\$font_dir/", $match[0] )."\n";
                    $output = "\n<style>" . $fontface_style ."\n";
                    $output .= $element_name.$id.' {font-family: "'.$font_family.'"}</style>';
            } else if ( $font_type == 'safefont' ) {
                $output .= '<style>'.$element_name.$id.' {font-family: '.$font_family.' !important}</style>';
        return $output;
    Thread Starter ycon


    Please help me out- I find layerslider is too complicated for my needs, I’m just after something with a few more options than edge slider (such as length/time of each slide).

    Actually- this adds an ugly scroll to all of my FancyBox images. Is there a way for this only to apply to iFrames?

    For anyone curious- it goes into the overall style sheet of your theme (ie I put mine in my Custom CSS area)

    Worked great!

    Thread Starter ycon


    Thank you!

    I went to styles.min.css and removed everything after “/*!” and it worked perfectly.

    Thread Starter ycon


    Sure- this does it on this site globally. I added it to my “Custom CSS” area of my theme. Let me know if it works.

    window.onload = function () {
        window.scrollTo(0, 0);

    Thread Starter ycon


    Great- that did work. Thank you!

    I’m struggling a bit to make super basic changes (like on the checkout screen- how much information is shown from the gravity form).

    I made a post here if you can help ??

    Thread Starter ycon


    Thanks Ross,

    I tried adding this to my functions.php and it removed the IBAN information all together.

    Was that the correct place to add the information?

    Thread Starter ycon


    I’ve found almost the right plugin- clean and simple plug-in. Only 9kb ??

    It’s called gigabox.

    It ALMOST does what I need- except that it doesn’t seem that customizable.

    For example, it insists on opening the button links in a new window (and I can’t find a way to change it).

    And you can’t customize what size you want the thumbnails.

    Can anyone assist?

    Thanks for this! I did the same, and it’s worked ( However it doesn’t display full width on mobile devices. What CSS do I need to change for that? Thanks

    Thread Starter ycon


    Perfect! Thank you!

    Also, how can I get the entire site to be full width (including menu bar)?

    Thread Starter ycon


    I’m using Custom CSS Manager.

    I’d like to stick with this theme, as it’s got the most support and I want to learn how this works myself.

    I’ve found the header.php (using filezilla) and I’m comparing it with the “view page source” info of the site I want to replicate (

    I can’t quite see what I need to do here. He is using Twenty Twelve.

    Would love some assistance

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