Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: HELP:.. ERROR: Too many failed login attemptsI found a work around .
went to in FTP/File Manager….. Wp-Content >> mu-plugins >> gd-system-plugin >> limit-login-attempts then removed the following line below from the “limit-login-attempts.php” file
add_action(‘plugins_loaded’, ‘limit_login_setup’, 99999);
hope this help others who have the same prob.
I would advice you to re-add the line after the login time is up, can always remove again if the prob comes up again.
See i have recent updates here ?? –> https://www.yardhype.com
i looked but for some reason it seems like i over looked issue 5.
i have a paid version, lots of accounts on there. i created a ticket but no response since sending my last message a couple days ago.
i need help with this.
am i doomed?
To solve my problem i had to go into the theme’s head code and delete all the facebook coding that were there, this seemed to fix my problem.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't set featured image, Cant see images on website eitherI want to add that Custom Fields dont show either, even when i set e.g. youtube ID and update.. noting appears in the custome fields area.
i saw no option to edit this thread again…
Ok, thank you.
Is your problem that you have to go to the Facebook Debug page first before it shows up?
Sorry, I don’t fully understand what u asking
Because that shouldn’t affect which og:image tag is on the page.
i understand that it don’t affect the OG:image, if i go to facebook debug without manually changing the thumbnail via the AIO social section in the post the problem wont be fixed i always of to manually set the image first.
Again, that’s because of your page caching. Without that, you’d have an og:image of “nikki-z-journeys-with-lisahypermusiq-video-interview-divanikkiz-bringthestingja.jpg”; with it, you have no og:image.
I disabled wp super catch as u said. publish new post and i having the same prob.
i will be updating the new post manually, so that visitors share with right thumbnail.
i still hope to get this on auto soon tho.
I changed from default to “Featured Image”
this is wat happened.. still not showing correct image
https://www.yardhype.com/nikki-z-journeys-with-lisahypermusiq-video-interview-divanikkiz-bringthestingja/Ok. I have flushed the catch several times before but no success.
See this post, i did not manually try to update, shows default thumbnail, if i remove default thumbnail from AIO settings then pics from other(older) posts will appear as the post thumbnail: https://www.yardhype.com/supercar-2014-porsche-991-gt3-sound-video/
Any idea on how to get the featured image auto selected?
https://www.yardhype.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/post-thumbnail.pngLook at the image above. i of to manually select as explained below. Any way around this would be helpful.
So far my fix is that when i publish a post i of to then go to the AIO social settings within the post where the right pic is generated but not selected, i of to then select that pic then update the post, then go to facebook (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug)(enter post’s url) to update the thumbnail. I cant seem to get the right thumbnail selected automatically there for i cant use publicize etc.
Thanks for looking into this.
I had WP Minify installed, i uninstalled it so that you could maybe get a better look at whats going on.
I do see an extra og:image tag in your header that says content=”URL” – that isn’t valid,
I dont know where to located this, i went looking in header.php but to no avail.
All in One SEO is all set up but this don’t seems to over ride other coding/tag.
this problem was not resolved.
I would suggest that you review your list of active plugins, find out which one of them is used to manage Open Graph meta tags, and contact the plugin author for more help.
thanks for explaining that.
I disabled plugins but no success in doing so.
Was told that maybe the problem is here:
<meta property=”og:image” content=”URL” />
How do i fix?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Facebook showing wrong thumbnail image for posts on my websiteok, thanks, i have since done so.