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  • Under WP 2.2 Contact form works fine for me (plugin) however wordpress generated email does not appear to be delivered to google apps hosted email*.

    That includes moderation and comment related email. I have changed to a different (non google apps) domain and whilst, again, the contact form works, internally generated email won’t deliver either.

    * It should be noted that new user registration email has continued to work, but not to google apps, which does seem a tad odd when every other built-in mail function seems to have fallen silent.

    Thread Starter yanis


    Addendum: found a partial work-around – might actually create a plugin to handle directives like this rather than hack core wordpress files.

    I guess I could just delete my old installation, although I don’t understand why it broke.

    If you did a backup and restore or copy of the wordpress db, then the original settings will go with it – which might point to the old location – which will be incorrect if there is a new location for the wp files.

    The problem is now I can’t access my new admin panel; it just keeps redirecting back to my old installation.

    If you copied the entire db, then it still has your old settings. One quick fix is to (wait for it) make sure you have a copy of the options table – then delete the options table (i hate recommending deletion btw ;).

    re-run the upgrade and the options table will be re-created (with default settings).

    .. or – you can risk it all and hack the DB via phpmyadmin or the like (which I’m not a big fan of). ??

    I’m having extreme trouble, I restored my 1.5.2 db, and now I can’t access my wp-admin panel so I can de-activate all my plugins before attempting the upgrade again, this is the message I get.

    You’ll need to downgrade the wordpress files as well. Might be worth doing a full restore (db and files) then disabling all your plugins before an upgrade (or have a read of my lengthy (heh. sorry) guide above for an alternate solution to upgrades).

    “1. BACKUP EVERYTHING, I know it’s been said but just incase ??
    2. Delete all files and folders where your old WP install was – EXCLUDING wp-config.php and the wp-content directory.”

    There’s an easier and ‘safer’ way — again backup everything, (obviously, it’s just plain foolishness to do this without a full backup), then rename the original top level wordpress directory (or move it into a new directory). This leaves everything intact (the db included, read on for that), a simple rename & 5 seconds later the ‘old’ blog is back – no “risky” recovery needed.

    Download and extract the new WP 2.0 version. If one has access to phpmyadmin then life is easy – backup the existing database (try and minimize taking the ‘cruft’, plugin tables and the like can be recreated as needed by the plugins.. the idea is to give the upgrade process the best chance of success) – open it in a text file and do a ‘search and replace’ for the prefix (e.g. wp_) and replace with something like new_. Create a new db, import the modified sql back in, update the wp-config.php with the new prefix and then perform the wp-admin/upgrade.php process.

    This all has some nifty advantages:

    1) the original files remain intact – reversal takes 10 seconds to rename the new and old directories
    2) the original db (and any additional tables) is still available without a restore (very handy)
    3) the new db can be worked on without impacting the existing blog db (a restore is only as good as the last backup made). ??
    4) one can run concurrent (old + new) blogs to keep a web presence if “diving in the deep end” is a scary thought.

    With this process one is not deleting or modifying any part of the original blog – it’s all intact and 5 seconds of renaming will bring it back. Having the old and new blogs on the go is also useful if one is going to do a more ‘full on’ layout change.

    Thread Starter yanis


    Ok, I’ve cleaned up the mySQL call – which works..


    <?php if ( in_category($sidenote_cat) ) { ?>

    .. doesn’t return ‘true’ – even if the (category) result is actually true.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: query_posts offset

    I had a similar problem as well.. there is another post here somewhere that outlines the following (which works perfectly):

    <?php $posts = get_posts('numberposts=10&offset=1'); foreach ($posts as $post): setup_postdata($post); ?>

    This resets the counter, and re-runs the loop. The offset can be set to whatever you want, the default is 0.

    In my case, I run with two .php pages, home.php and then a second .php (in my case content.php) The first home.php is a copy of the index.php, with the following code snippet to restrict WP to display only 1 post, the latest, just below if (have_posts())


    It works nicely, and avoides chweing index.php to bits.

    I swear there is something weird going on with WordPress 1.5 and the cached plugin. The webhost I use has both the curl library and the associated php-curl libraries, phpinfo() happily shows it’s included in the php config. Yet nothing I do can get it to work.. there is simply no update occuring in the delicious_cache.html file.

    Has anyone else had problems with this and been able to fix it?

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