Christian Denat
Forum Replies Created
Thanks. Fixed now. !!!
I see the problem on the previous release but it is still here with the 5.4.4
Hi all,
I tried to import my Event Manager events.ics fedd into Google Agenda and I got exactly the same error than 286blue.
May be I can make some testing to help.
Let me know.
Thanks for the link. I think that it’s a good solution I’ll try it and let you know.
WP event manager… the only event plugin of course!
Marcus thanks for your reply. I would like to create my dynamic title each time I save my event. I think i can use something like em_save….. filter…
Thanks Marcus.
I fixed the code by adding a space aroubd the placeholder.But for my own placeholder+conditionals : `
The original code was without any space but adding spaces around fixed the issue.
{has_score} #_SCOREMATCH {/has_score}
Seems to be an issue in a Regexp…
Here’s my code:
ob_start();?> [events_list order="<?php echo $order ?>" category="<?php echo $category ?>" scope="<?php echo $scope ?>" limit="1"] <h2><a href="#_EVENTURL" title="Voir le détail"><span class="icon-chevron-right"></span>#_EVENTNAME</a></h2> <div> <p class="thumb">#_CATEGORYIMAGE{100,100}</p> <p class="desc"> #_CATEGORYNAME<br> {not_long}<span id="date">#_EVENTDATES</span>{/not_long} {is_long}<span id="date">#_EVENTDATES</span>{/is_long} {has_time} #_EVENTTIMES{/has_time} {no_time} #_EVENTTIMES{/no_time} {all_day} {/all_day} </p> <p class="teams-score"> <span class="logo-home">#_LOGODOMICILE</span>{has_score}#_SCOREMATCH{/has_score}{no_score}<span class="no-score">vs</span>{/no_score}<span class="logo-ext">#_LOGOEXTERIEUR</span> </p> <p class="location"><span class="icon-map-marker"></span> {has_location}#_LOCATIONNAME - #_LOCATIONTOWN{/has_location} {no_location}Lieu de la rencontre à définir{/no_location} </p> </div> [/events_list] <?php $content=do_shortcode(ob_get_clean());
May be this has something linked to the conditional placeholders…so I tried some of them to see what happens.
Here’s :
{has_time} #_EVENTTIMES{/has_time}
do not workForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress database error MySQL server has gone away for query UPDATEHello,
Got similar problem (twice this week).
Need to deactivate W3 Total Cache to fix the issue.Using WP3.5.1 and the last version of W3 Total Cache
Solved : found the solution here :
The simple solution I used :
I’ve created Placeholders . So I can do the split on php side and use my placeholders in event format.
Hmmm… Ok I’ve understood the problem, I can’t do this way . So the only solution is too use the template system.
But, as I need to pass parameters to the template and as I have different templating for events on a same page, this seems really too tricky regarding the added value it offers…
I’ll stop here and try to find another approach for my display.Thanks for the help.
Hi Marcus !
Thanks for your answer but it did not the tricks.
In fact I call a function to display the event and as I use the shortcode mapped into a string, I can not have any EM_event instantiation in my code. Here’s the function :
function match_a_venir($category) { ob_start();?> [events_list category="<?php echo $category ?>" limit="1"] <h2><a href="#_EVENTURL" title="Voir le détail"><span class="icon-chevron-right"></span>#_EVENTNAME</a></h2> {has_score} <?php global $EM_Event; $_score = $EM_Event->output('#_ATT{Score}'); $scores=explode('-',$_score); ?> {/has_score} <div> <p class="thumb"> #_CATEGORYIMAGE{100,100} </p> <p class="desc"> #_CATEGORYNAME<br> {not_long}<span id="date">#_EVENTDATES</span>{/not_long} {is_long}<span id="date">#_EVENTDATES</span>{/is_long} {has_time} #_EVENTTIMES{/has_time} {no_time} #_EVENTTIMES{/no_time} {all_day} {/all_day} </p> <p class="teams-score"> <span class="logo-home"></span> <span class="score-home"> {has_score} <?php echo trim($scores[0]);?> {/has_score} </span> <span class="score-sep"> {has_score} - {/has_score} </span> <span class="score-ext"> {has_score} <?php echo trim($scores[1]);?> {/has_score} </span> <span class="logo-ext"></span> </p> </div> [/events_list] <?php $content=do_shortcode(ob_get_clean()); return $content; }
I use a function because I repeat the same for 2 or more teams, depending on the calendar.
You can see it in action (without the score part of course) at
Another possibility is to use a specific template. I will try It
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP e-Commerce Shop Styling] Incompatible with WP 3.5The 1.5.1 fixes this problem. Thanxs
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP e-Commerce Shop Styling] Incompatible with WP 3.5I just installed the new release and lost all the editing parts; Got this errors;
Uncaught ReferenceError: switchEditors is not defined options-general.php:225 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) Failed to load: tiny_mce.js:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) Failed to load:
In fact I chose the first solution here is the trick.
Here’s my when.php in <my-theme>/plugins/event-manager/template/forms/event directory
<?php if (!is_admin()) { get_template_part('convocations','when'); } else { load_template(EM_DIR.'/templates/forms/event/'.basename(__FILE__),false); } ?>
But I almost sure that the best to do is inside the em_locate_template() function. IMO, the admin part must not be impacted by the templating which is theme related.