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  • oh, well, you would just have to edit that file, and add that line on 3213. Regardless, if it is working for you now, and content, when viewed as page source displays, “WP Super Cache” in the footer, then you can mark it up as it working.

    As far as 3, make sure this is enabled

    Cache rebuild. Serve a supercache file to anonymous users while a new file is being generated. (Recommended)

    That response is generally meaning that the service is not available (all resources used up), making that a server side issue.

    4) Where are the query strings, and what are they. It really depends on what they are and on which pages. For instance, without permalinks installed, all urls will be query strings. Without more information, can’t help you much, but generally, if permalinks are enabled, you will not have many query strings on a wordpress website.

    I did not thoroughly test that route, but from what it sounds like from malinc, that should be the case. I am hesitant to just do it that way, as I am not 100% sure if the files will be created correctly if that is the case. I say try it out malinc’s way,if you are fine with ignoring the warning it keeps giving. Either/or, it sounds like the code error should probably be resolved in the next update, as I can imagine that they are receiving a lot of complaints.

    I just checked, and indeed adding

    $home_path = trailingslashit($home_path);

    on line 3213 of wp-cache.php resolves the issue

    I agree. After spending about a hour debugging the issue as to why my sites were broken, and not being able to setup wp super cache correctly with their latest update, I found the following in wp-cache.php

    $home_root = parse_url(get_bloginfo(‘url’));
    $home_root = isset( $home_root[ ‘path’ ] ) ? trailingslashit( $home_root[ ‘path’ ] ) : ‘/’;

    and then subsequently, them running…
    if (
    $home_root == ‘/’ &&
    $home_path != $_SERVER[ ‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’ ]
    ) {
    $home_path = $_SERVER[ ‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’ ];

    and since $home_path will now never == $_SERVER[ ‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’ ], because $home_path has a trailing slash, and document root does not, the result is missing.

    It would be solved if they added trailingslashit() farther down to $home_path

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by xrampage16.
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