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  • Thread Starter xprt007


    Well, I have for the time being gone back to a backup of the site of many months back & fished out Version 2.64, whose feeds update with no problem at all.

    Thread Starter xprt007



    I have not yet gone through all steps suggested on the different pages/sites, but let me mention what I have done.

    Since I thought the issue might be caused by some incorrect steps during updating & importing previous feeds, which never quite run properly, I decided to simply re-install the module & re-do the feeds.
    After deactivation, I failed several times to get the plugin deleted. It always ended with a blank page & nothing deleted. So I did so manually. Unusual(??)

    After the initial installation, fresh feeds where automatically imported as I was adding them, but I later noted it was not updating, in spite of the settings of “30 min” intervals.

    The fact is: there are no other problems with cron as much as I know, because for example, I am alerted of plugin & other updates eg, even several times a day (unless this has nothing to do with cron.). I also have other sites, including Drupal-based using the same account & have no cron issue. They use the normal default Drupal & server settings.

    I installed the crontrol plugin you mention somewhere & disabled all plugins & re-enabled them again.
    Funny enough, under “Name” as you see at this linkyou do not see names of the module behind in some cases, which forced me to this step as I saw nothing referring to the rss importer.

    I established that the 4 entries between the arrows only appear when the rss importer is enabled, so I assume they have to do with it.
    I suppose that means according to this they are supposed to be included in the cron process working for other modules … (or not?)

    Then I checked out the wp-config.php script …
    there was nothing looking like “define(‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’, true);” or meant to block cron …

    In one of the articles you recommend reading, they suggest adding “define(‘ALTERNATE_WP_CRON’, true);” …

    I added it. It does not seem to have helped.

    As of today, I have

    “Last Update of the Feed Database: Sep 23, 2014 @ 7:28 pm; 15 Hours ago”

    I suspected the Fastcache plugin settings where affecting something, but even after disabling it, …./wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1 … did not lead to updating …

    Does that help suggest where the problem could be or the right measure to try out, since there is I think no general site- or serverwide problem with cron & … as mentioned, with the older version of the module, before the major update – there was no issue?

    Thank you in advance

    Thread Starter xprt007



    I have another problem which seems to be related to the updated version of the plugin.
    Before the recent major updating, external feeds would automatically get updated, but currently, it seems this only happens if they are manually updated on the settings pages (/admin.php?page=wprssmi_options5). Currently, if dont, I have rss feeds showing quite old news of several days ago.

    What settings do I need to activate to achieve this?

    Secondly, if I may ask, what is “autoposts” for? Is it necessary to activate this, if I only use external feeds?

    Thank you in advance.

    Thread Starter xprt007


    Well, any sensible guest counter, like the one in form of the Statcounter plugin shows a record of all visits to a website if installed in its statistics. NONE of the records show a single visit on the registration or login page.
    If those idiots where physically on those pages to register, they would be logged. ??

    Try going to any page on your site & you will see it is recorded in Statcounter statistics … – each page you visit.

    The bots use scripts which I guess are not detected by normal guest counters but by plugins like “IP Blacklist” & manage to register or post comments, if not blocked.

    Thread Starter xprt007


    None of these bastards uses the registration form or visits the site at all, which certainly has captcha. The registrations are made by bots. ??

    Thread Starter xprt007


    Hi there

    I hope this is also nothing to worry about, also showing in debug mode:

    Notice: Undefined index: rpr_recipe_servings_type in /home2/asp/public_html/com/hab/wp-content/plugins/recipepress-reloaded/php/template_tags.php on line 209

    Thank you for the pointer regarding debug mode. I turned it off on a production site, but have to keep it on hopefully for a short while on one under development, with the above issue, hopefully so a problem related to another plugin can be seen & solved by its author very soon.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter xprt007


    For some unconnected reason, I have the debug mode enabled & have the following errors showing:

    Notice: Undefined index: rpr_recipe_calorific_value in /home2/as/public_html/com/hab/wp-content/plugins/recipepress-reloaded/php/template_tags.php on line 233
    Notice: Undefined index: rpr_recipe_fat in /home2/as/public_html/com/hab/wp-content/plugins/recipepress-reloaded/php/template_tags.php on line 233
    Notice: Undefined index: rpr_recipe_protein in /home2/as/public_html/com/hab/wp-content/plugins/recipepress-reloaded/php/template_tags.php on line 233
    Notice: Undefined index: rpr_recipe_carbohydrate in /home2/as/public_html/com/hab/wp-content/plugins/recipepress-reloaded/php/template_tags.php on line 233

    What could it all mean? ??


    Thread Starter xprt007



    Thank you for responding.

    I made a preliminary check in the database & could not see any post, but just some “signs” like I think the recipe title, comments but no complete recipe, at least the pages I checked. The images where also in the gallery. the only complete recipe I saw, is the demo entries – “muffin”(?).

    Anyway, I re-submitted the recipe, though I am still a bit confused as to why it disappeared, because I do not remember deleting it and I have not added or posted/deleted anything much on this test site, except some custom content, which however has its own interface for posting/editing.

    Many thanks & regards.

    Thread Starter xprt007



    I did just that and it made no difference.
    I also enabled debug mode, but the only 2 error messages are connected to Buddypress. I disabled it & they did not come, but this also had no impact on the super rss reader widget’s behavior.


    Still hoping, though. ??

    Thank you & regards

    Thread Starter xprt007



    Thank you for following this up.
    Yes, last night I installed a new test version of this directory plugin & it seems to be faulty. So this morning, I am replacing the plugin files with an older version as the author deals with the problem.

    After that the page will shortly be in a state referred to before when you look at it.

    Thank you in advance.

    Thread Starter xprt007


    Hello Techievous

    Very grateful for your help!
    The style above is just OK.

    Regarding the breadcrumbs, the position such as in is fine, below the primary menu.
    I just want it to be complete & not only show the Home >> ONE category/subcategory, but all subcategories in the chain …
    I assume if that code is placed in the right template & location, that it would work, unless some other issues come in play.

    Once again, many thanks! ??

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter xprt007



    For #1 that is just what I needed.
    For #2, if you look at, … that white background is what is not appropriate. I would like to get it darker & just in case any font color has to be adjusted locally – just want to know which styles to deal with.
    As said a few trials before did not help, but I am learning.

    A separate question …

    • This is not a style issue, but may be you could help as it has something to do with the theme. It is connected to using breadcrumbs, in connection with the WordPress SEO plugin & a specific directory plugin.
      This directory plugin currently only shows Home >> subcat2 WITHOUT showing those in between, like Home >> Cat1 >> subcat 1 >> subcat2, example:

      like HERE in the authors example

      He says if one follows the SEO plugin instructions, breadcrumbs should work like in his example above.

      How to insert breadcrumbs in your theme

      Usage of this breadcrumbs feature is explained here => For the more code savvy, insert this in your theme:

      <?php if ( function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb') ) {
      yoast_breadcrumb('<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>');
      } ?>

      I am at a loss regarding where exactly in Mesocolumn to insert it, as the template file they mention is not in the templates folder & I cannot determine which template script & in any case which section of it to place this code so it works.

      Would appreciate some help.

      Thank you for your time!

    Thread Starter xprt007



    Thank you for the rapid response. Yes that style worked. Thank you! ??

    Actually there are a couple of things I still need to change & when I fail, will request for some help.

    1. Currently, I can think of the headings font size. I want the topic/page headings to have a smaller font size, than say the site name, but could not locate the style for this. Currently, this is a bit too big.
    2. I also have buddypress/bbforum installed and with difficulty have changed the bg color/etc of the forum, but for the groups at /groups/, have not yet managed to get the bg color style element. …

    I would appreciate some help. I have another question but will have to get it together.

    Thank you in advance

    Thread Starter xprt007


    Hi there,

    Actually the slider, if you mean the theme slider – has not been activated at all. So I think it is innocent ?? in this case about the Super RSS Reader.
    Actually I like your theme & this would be the second site to do without this specific widget.

    What more could I try, before giving up on the rss reader?

    I have moved my second question about customizing the theme to its own topic. …

    Kind regards & thank you in advance

    Thread Starter xprt007


    I have an unconnected question in addition, which I forgot to attach to the above post. I am trying to customize the layout, but have not quite succeeded in spite of Firebug, etc to get the style for determining the font color of the main(?) menu, under the site name. All I have tried has not worked. as you see at the above link, for the background color, the font color is too dark …


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