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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can ADMIN login from 2 different machines?Well then…’NASA, we have a problem’…
I’ll do some more thorough checking and post back.
BTW, I’m also having trouble accessing my DB remotely using my website’s IP, plus port 3306, (using MySQL4X Manager). Is this correct? In a PHP project I dev’d last year, I have a note to myself that says “MySQL4X sends its pwd as encrypted” and to “make sure the stored pwd is encrypted or I can’t login to the DB”. Any thoughts on how, or what I need, to access the DB?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Brag About Favorite PluginsRosieMBanks–nice layout! Not my style really, but I still recognize nice work when I see it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Brag About Favorite PluginsSorry, Jinsan. I disagree. That is, assuming a developer cares about end-users being interested in his/her work. Otherwise, you’re right, the developer is under no obligation to say much of anything other than putting up the code. But I come from the school of coding (yes, I do a bit of coding) where 1) commenting code too much is better than too little, and 2) too much documentation is better than too little–which includes putting oneself in the position of the enduser and imagining what this code is useful for.
“It’s up to the end user to say, “You MUSt try this plugin because…”—> This overstates what I said. I said ‘should’, not ‘must’.
“I don’t believe the authors really have time to slap themselves on the back for a job well done.”–>And this equates documentation with congratulations.
I’m talking about giving endusers reasons for checking out their work. That can’t be bad, and certainly shouldn’t be onerous to the developer. Heck, it sure beats debugging!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Brag About Favorite PluginsI have to say, from the number of plugin-pages I’ve visited, authors should spend more time answering the question “Why would I want to use this (plugin)?” instead of just describing what it does. Not the same thing. Some do. Many don’t, requiring some close reading and a look at the Comments section for clues (OK, I guess that should be done anyway…but still), if not the code itself…if I’ve lasted that long!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Brag About Favorite PluginsThanks, Kafkaesqui! Back in green again…(how did I miss that ‘reset’?) yeh, its the little things I like that you do…like the the expanding Categories…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Brag About Favorite PluginsApologies, Lorelle! Its a valid point, except that I’m so new to WP and blogging that I don’t have much to go on. The one I *was* gonna mention was “Hide/Cut Post Text” by https://www.coffee2code.com, but when I saw Kaf’s list with something similar (but waaay more flexible in what it can do), I refrained. I’m a noob with such things at the moment. On the other hand, I’m not gonna change it; the adage “less is more” is applicable here! It’s simple, it works in a manner I like, and I customized it within minutes. ‘Nuff said. What else do I have ‘active’? Coldforged.com’s “Enhanced Post List” and “Paged Comment Editing” https://www.coldforged.org/ (The way WP oughtta be!), and Kimmo’s “DoFollow” https://kimmo.suominen.com/
I’ve got some others plugged in but not yet activated, like Rob Watkins’ “A Different Monthly Archive Script” https://www.oneofthosedays.org.uk/ . I’m hoping its not gonna be too much of a pain to integrate…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Brag About Favorite PluginsKafkaesqui! did you switch to gold? I can’t get yer original site theme back! Even searched for the cookie to destroy. It’s all good, but I wanted to bookmark yer old one for design inspirationz…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Info on making that custom graphic icon for the browser…?Interesting note: after creating and placing the favicon, I was having trouble getting it to “stick” across pages, and after switching to a different tab (website) and back again. Other sites had their favicons stick just fine. So…I discovered that you need to know *which* WP-files (yes, more than one!) that contain the <header> tags need to contain the <link ref…> (favicon path reference) tag. They are:
1) wp-content/themes/<your theme here>/header.php
2) <site root>/wp.phpNow the favicon ‘sticks’ across pages. ( This assumes the favicon itself is loose in the same directory as your header.php file, as seems to be suggested in ‘favicon best practices’.)
Cheers!Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Info on making that custom graphic icon for the browser…?Hey, that’s nice of you to offer, Ennis! But the Favicon site beat ya to it ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Info on making that custom graphic icon for the browser…?Omigosh! That was too easy!! It’s done. And I didn’t even have to pay for it.
I guess everybody with a website must know about this?cheers!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Info on making that custom graphic icon for the browser…?Precisely! Well…not that specific link, but at least I’ve got a place to start to make one o’ these dingers…
Thanks, Marc!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Restrict visible lines of a post?Thanks, I found and am using successfully using, the “Hide or Cut” plugin from https://coffee2code.com
I’m about 72hrs into my first install of a blog and its getting kinda cool! Just some details left to tweak and I can start shoveling in all the text I’ve written over the past 4 years…
Thanks for the replies!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: link background color on hover/rollover?Got it. miklb gave me the right info, I just put it in the wrong place. I’m being forced into being quite the css-hound figgering all this stuff out! For those looking to do the same, you need to place the ‘background-color:#xxxxx’ attribute where ONLY the hover case is being affected. If you put it just anywhere you see :hover (as in my previous post), it affects all those other “cases” and not just the hover case. (Lesson learned!) The further lesson learned is: if you don’t already have a specific case (ie. :hover only) broken down by itself, as miklb’s post shows, you can write it in yourself. Just remember: if you do that, watch for overriding, depending on the case-attribute pair you’re looking to affect.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: link background color on hover/rollover?Tried that already. In the following format it gives me constant color of link-text (plus, the color goes clear across the width of the resident column.). I want it to appear on hover, and only using the width of the link-text.
h2, h2 a, h2 a:hover, h2 a:visited, h3, h3 a, h3 a:hover, …etc {
text-decoration: none;
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: “How To” for a personalheader.jpg?DOH! Not ‘wp-images’, but ‘wp-content/themes/default/images’
Criminy! How could I miss not seeing the default images I was looking to replace??
sorry all.