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  • Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: ThreeBadFingers

    Kingjeffry, thanks so much for taking the time to write down this blow-by-blow account! It’s just the roadmap I needed. Much appreciated!


    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: ThreeBadFingers

    kingjeffery–when you did this, did you also change anything in index.php (if not also archive.php)? I, too, want to try a 3-col variation on Kubrick. My problem so far, is getting the main content (css: narrowcol/widecol) to cooperate. I’m just not CSS-savvy enough to know whether “inserting” a 3rd column to the left will “push” things over, or whether I have to explicitly position the current left column into the center before positioning a 3rd column. Just not sure how to approach such a makeover. (And no, I don’t want to entertain the idea of using a whole new theme…too much work went into customizing Kubrick!)


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: How to ban IPS?
    Thread Starter xmiinc


    …more: the function declaration in template-functions-category.php refers to 18 arguments. The 2 not included in the wiki are: categories (default ‘0’) and recurse (default ‘0’). Not sure what the interplay with some of the other similar-sounding parameters are…?


    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: My first blog!

    Yeh, I noticed the load time…not too bad though, just a little lagging for a lean site. On another note: You have the “Read More” links within the upper and lower boundary lines of a post, but each one actually refers to the post *above* the upper boundary. A bit confusing at first, until I understood…

    Otherwise, Nice site!


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Single page entry

    Sure enuf, it was simple…even simpler than I suspected! Turns out sidebar.php itself contains the test. I had all these extra widget calls *outside* the if…then test. Simply moving them inside did the trick.

    It was literally staring me in the face the whole time. DOH#@!


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Single page entry

    Thanks, Moshu…now that you mention it, I do remember seeing some tests like that in the past (when I didn’t care!). Guess I’ve gotta look a little harder!


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Single page entry

    aw, geez…I *knew* this would happen sooner or later. Its not public yet. But if it helps:

    Forum: Installing WordPress
    In reply to:

    I hope it fixes the public/private posts issue…!


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Single page entry

    Radial–>I figgered out the same thing this morning but…do you get the *whole* sidebar? I’m only getting the default sidebar when I also would like to have add-ons like keywords, polls, and recent_comments (all plugs) in Single posts.

    The whole sidebar, including plugin mods, shows up fine inside Archives, just not in single posts. After inspecting code in sidebar.php, single.php, archive.php, even template_functions_…I’ve started looking for tests somewhere in The Loop that might be stripping out these plugin calls, but so far nothing’s jumped out at me…

    Can anyone advise?


    That’s the way we wish it were *still* working with 1.5.1 and! It’s a good reason to stick with 1.5 until something gets resolved.

    you might be right! I haven’t investigated thoroughly yet (I’m still building), but I too have a growing suspicion that private posts are now public. I’ve partially addressed the issue with the ‘Category Visibility’ plug, which I needed anyway. But the apparent ‘breaking’ of basic private vs. public functionality in the default install is a fairly major, and unfortunate, development that I hope gets addressed in a future update.


    Martin, they aren’t (or shouldn’t) showing to ‘everyone’. Log in as a different user and your private posts should disappear. There does, however, seem to be an issue about what an *admin* sees after the upgrade to 1.5.1.x, but so far I haven’t heard of a private post being seen by the public.

    I was happy with the earlier WP-performance where private posts were private – even to the admin – when viewed from the blog front, but could be found in the admin>Manage panel with “-Private” tagged on to the title. After all, they were private. I didn’t need to see them in the blog-front.

    But now private posts *are* in the blog front (for an admin) *without* the “-Private” added to the title, which means its much more ambiguous as to which are private and public posts until you go back into the admin panel.

    …and I can’t count how many times I’ve cleared my cache since the upgrade, albeit for different reasons. The ‘bug’ (if it is that?) is maintained.

    YES! I mentioned this ‘bug’ too, in another thread, when I upgraded. Its a bit annoying having to have a 2nd webpage open-this time logged in as something less than admin-to know what is visible to non-admins. At least compared to v1.5. If private posts could at least be flagged, that would help…cuz you forget which are private and which aren’t until you go back to the admin page again.


    I don’t get it. Are you saying you have posts with the same name that contain different associated comments? Your page structure (above) seems to show a heirarchy of like-titled subdivisions (‘css’). Plus, though I’m certainly no expert, I haven’t heard of this ‘bug’. In fact, I’m having trouble imagining how, or why, you have things the way they are.

    Curious to see how this thread evolves…


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